Fall Heat


Fall Heat Jewellery: Coral earrings (similar) // Turquoise Necklace (similar) // Coral Necklace (similar) // Ganesha pendant (many options here) // Layered crosses

Fall in Hong Kong won’t arrive until it’s actually winter everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s not that Hong Kong skips fall; we will get one. It’s just that while it’s cooling down in other places, leaves are changing, and signs of winter are becoming prevalent, Hong Kong summer reaches its peak. For example this Sunday while at the beach the register marked 38 °C (yes, that’s 100.4 °F folks!). I am not complaining. I love the weather, and I love the sun, and I especially love that I am still visiting the beach on weekends. What I will confess to are styling queries. How do I embrace the season of fall style while dressing for the heat? Easy–embrace the colors, incorporate textures, and of course, wear booties!

Fall Heat: Orange suede shorts (two similar options here and here) //
Geometric tank (similar) // Denim vest // Studded booties // Rendezvous Lipstain



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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Fall Heat

  1. Lucky you….beach weather! Love the fabrics of your tank top and suede shorts! Have fun in the sun!
    I like how share your shopping suggestions too! Remember to ask your readers to like and share or repost to friends
    Hope your readership is growing cos you deserve it!
    Jane x

    1. Come visit us Jane! I’ll take you to our favorite beaches! And you are right: I’m suppose to be asking people to share the link. Ahhh! So much to do….My readership varies, but I’m really happy with an average of 100 reads a post. Now, I’m trying to network through blogging communities like Independent Fashion Bloggers and by commenting on other blogs. I have to find the people that would actually be interested in reading this blog….I really couldn’t be doing any of this without all your encouragement Jane. Love, Annie

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