Fall Dressing in Hong Kong

I just checked the weather in the town where I grew up, and it’s 40° in Spokane, Washington. Hong Kong is currently 77°. I am not complaining about the weather in HK: I do love it here, and our weather is very eventful. Just Sunday we had yet another typhoon–why don’t they happen on school days?! What I will admit to however is some longing for fall dressing. When the seasons change in the Northern Hemisphere, I do have a tough time; I want to start dressing for fall just like that half of the world. Because I miss fall dressing, I make every attempt to adjust my style while remaining comfortable in the humid heat. Also, half the time it is absolutely freezing in doors because of air conditioning, so fall dressing becomes an actual necessity. For the rest of this month, I plan to show how I dress for fall in Hong Kong. I have some style tricks and tips that accommodate the yearning I feel for the style changes that come with each new season. I searched my site too; it appears this topic of dressing in the fall heat of Hong Kong seems to be a recurring theme each October….

Color is the one of the easiest ways to attempt fall dressing in a hot climate. Even on our October vacation, I brought clothing that was more fall like in color–like this cover up for example. By October, I’ve stored away my brigth summery clothes and replaced them with the autumn hues. The color that screams fall for me right now is army green. The greens in this skirt alongside an army green military jacket, make this outfit look autumnal. For me, in the Hong Kong heat the easiest way to accommodate fall dressing is with color. Next week I’ll feature another outfit where army green creates the fall look I’m after–even if shorts are involved!

This is my fall skirt that I first wear when I’m starting to attempt transitioning to the fall season. I’ve had this cornucopia skirt ever since 2014. Back then I was able to style it with heels. Wow, a lot has changed since then! Those heels are sadly long gone, but wow, they were sure sexy! This time around, I’ve basically styled my autumn looking skirt similarly yet with a military jacket rather than sparkly blazer. Still needing a little bling, I added a statement necklace–a recent score from the Rug Lane Pop Up. (Hong Kongers, Rug Lane will offer one more swap on November 11!) Also, I pulled out my satin yellow bow flats. While these are not heels, they are dressier than a pair of sneakers–which is what I would usually wear.

Does my attempt at fall dressing work?
Tell me. I’d like to know. Does this pass for fall style? What style tricks do you embrace once the season has changed?

*This post has been linked to Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatilike and Samantha’s #fakeituntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

3 thoughts on “Fall Dressing in Hong Kong

  1. I think that you’ve managed to nail a Fall look quite beautifully given the warm and humid weather in Hong Kong. “Layering Light” is a way of life in many places (California, Florida.
    , Hawaii) and Fall hues in flowy or just light weight fabrics sounds like the perfect way to go!
    I LOVE your skirt( wishing it was a more recent purchase so I could snap one up myself!) and the green military jacket seems to have become a classic!
    Your eyes are so pretty with the loden green of the jacket Ann!

    1. Thank you Jude. I am definitely embracing green these days–I like how you called it loden green. That sounds special! The skirt is plenty old, but it was a definite must purchase. I don’t care that I always have to wear something a little longer with it (to cover the pooch). It’s definitely my fall fave!

      Love, Annie

  2. such a lovely outfit, and lovely color combo. I like militar-khaki green, and I think it works nicely as a Fall color and it’s so versatile and easy to mix and match.
    We have had so different temperatures in one only day, 46º in the morning and then 82º in the evening, so it’s impossible to dress up for the whole day!

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