The Fab 40s and Our Favorite Colors

I love when The Fab 40s get together. We all have such different styles, yet we have a common bond in loving and sharing our own style. I have to admit something: the last couple of themes were difficult to wrap my head around–there’s nothing princessy nor villainous about me, so dressing those parts was challenging. With it being my month to choose the theme I resorted to something easy–all of our favorite colors. In fact I tried to predict everyone’s favorite colors but I was way off! For me, my favorite color has always been many shades of varying midnight blues. I can vividly remember that first jumbo box of Crayola crayons and using that beautiful almost sparkly navy blue called midnight blue. It was literally love at first sight! And it’s been my favorite color ever since!!

The Fab 40s Favorite Colors:

These were my predictions, yet I was all wrong:
Diane–I think a pale blue
Jennie–either pink of purple
Mary–I’m going to go with yellow
Sam–red, for sure
Sheela–a deep red rose color
Vero–black, for sure
and our guest, Catherine–I guess peach!!

Let’s get to the real deal on all these ladies…

Fashion on the 4th Floor

I was wrong with Diane, but I was close with the pales–her fave is a pale pink! Diane you are pretty in pink!

A Pocketful of Polka Dots

I was also very, very off with Jennie! She told me she barely owns any pink or purple. Maybe it’s her gorgeous hair that had me heading that way. Jennie’s favorite color is kelly green, and yes! I believe it. What a knockout dress!

Curly Byrdie Chirps

I was right! Mary’s is yellow! I just knew it, and Mary, I am so happy I was right with at least someone. You always–and this time is obviously included–rock the color yellow. It’s gorgeous on you.

Fake Fabulous

Now, here I was kind of right. Sam admitted to having too much red on the blog lately plus a hankering for wanting to try out pink. I think she’s done a smashing job with this beautiful color!

Sheela Writes

I almost said black and white for Sheela but instead went for a deep red–which she admitted was also in her fave trio. But when one can wear this color combo so well, why wouldn’t one!?

Cid Style File

Again, with Veronica I was correct with the guess, but she went with another color she also likes: a deep burgandy, wine color. (Not red though; she was very specific about this!!)

Not Dressed As Lamb

This month I am so pleased and actually very honored to have Catherine from Not Dressed as Lamb be our guest. Wow, if you, like me, are a 40 something blogger wanna be, then you know Catherine. She is our guru. And she is our kindest champion as well. I have been writing and consulting with Catherine about my blogging questions. both big and small, for at leas the last four years or so, and she has alway been so supportive with exhaustive answers to my queries. She has become one of those girlfriends I have yet to meet in person…..maybe one day. I am continually amazed by her; and I’m not the only one! Just this past month, Catherine won UK’s best over 40 fashion and beauty blogger! This is huge, and I am so proud of her. Catherine is so deserving of this role and award. Welcome to our monthly collab Catherine. I thought you were a peach–I was close with the beautiful pink. Thank you for joining us!!

And me, Kremb de la Kremb

And here I am in my favorite color in my favorite texture of this year: midnight blue velvet!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “The Fab 40s and Our Favorite Colors

  1. Goodness, you look gorgeous in this dress, Ann! I am positively loving the blog location you selected and the sense of moody drama it brings to your photos. Midnight blue was also one of my favorites in my box of crayolas and would always be worn down to a nub. 🙂 I have to admit I exhaled a sigh of relief when I read your prompt for this month, as I was ready for easy. Haha! I did have fun with the last two challenges, though.

  2. Ooooo! That velvet dress is so lush and lovely! I’ll bet it “feels” good draped on the body as well. Your rocky seaside site is also very nice. The light is different and makes the dress look sort of smokey blue.
    I just bought myself a pair of sneakers that are very similar in style but a lighter blush color!
    What a fun group of ladies here!

  3. Such a gorgeous dress my friend and loving your theme selection ! Also loving the location what an amazing photo 🙂

  4. Oh Ann, you know me so well already! Yes black was my 1st and immediate choice for fave color. Most ppl like to say black is not a real color so I challenged my self and went with another color. I didn’t really realize this was a fave color of mine, until I saw many items in my closet that were burgundy. You as always look fabulous, I am totally loving your navy velvet dress!!! So Gorg!!!

  5. I actually had no clue what color most would choose this month. But, I was hoping I was going to see a another unique styling idea with sneakers & you did not disappoint!!! Everything about your photos are amazing down to the cloudy Weathering Heights vibe to the shoot. The deep midnight blue color, dark eyeliner against the ocean created such a mysterious feel to the pictures. Thank you for providing such a fun & EASY theme this month. I felt like I had finals on the last 2 months. Great theme & great look, Ann!

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