The Fab 40s are BACK! In Velvet


The Fab 40s have taken a little four month break, but we’re back, in VELVET! I’m no stranger to the velvet love. In fact, last spring I compiled all the velvet looks I’d created in one single post; there were eight looks in total! Since that post, I’ve continued to add velvet to my closet–here are my green velvet joggers (I got rid of the cami), my blush velvet sweater, my navy turtleneck, and last but not least my pink velvet sneakers. Do I have a thing for velvet? Why yes I do! This blush dress is my newest addition. I especially liked that it could be worn in the tropics. I figured this winter fabric shouldn’t be limited to cold weather, and indeed, this wrap dress was the perfect New Year’s Eve dress!





Jennie from A Pocketful of Polka Dots

I’ve missed my Fab 40s friends. The break was nice, but the comfort of collaborating with these women each month is much preferred. Jennie chose velvet this month–and for a good reason. We ALL want her floral, navy, velvet suit. It’s on major sale now at the Loft, and she’s invited us all to copy her! She chose velvet for a very good reason, don’t you think!? Also, I love how when I look back at all our Fab 40s post, Jennie is a chameleon with her hair. This color is super fantastic in my opinion!

Suzie Turner

I have two very faithful readers who consistently read each one of my posts and comment: Suzy Turner is one of them, and I am so thankful for her. She is so supportive of me, and I am not quite sure if she knows just how grateful I am for her blogger love. Now she will! Her blog is definitely worthy of adding to your list of reads. Her recent lingerie post is my favorite (you rock it Suzy!), and all the pictures of her in this $6 dollar green velvet (Forever 41) dress will have you swooning. Wow Suzy!

Sheela Writes

When Sheela wrote us a little over a month ago if we were all interested in getting our Fab 40s started again, there wasn’t a one of us who didn’t agree. We were all in. And we needed our fearless leader back at the helm. The force known as Sheela is back! (With a kick ass pair of shoes no less! We know we will always be able to count on Sheela in this arena.)

Curly Byrdie Chirps

Mary’s velvet bootie socks rival Sheela’s in this instance–not to mention Jennie’s purple pumps too. But the star of the show is this stunning pink dress. Mary and her dresses, I’ve missed them. Mary, you could rock a potato sack I am sure of that! And I still would love to be a fly in your dress closet!

The Fab 40s–We’re Back!!

Are you as happy as I am?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

8 thoughts on “The Fab 40s are BACK! In Velvet

  1. Annie, you look absolutely incredible in this dress! That blush pink is just utter perfection on your skin – whereas if I chose to wear that colour, it would completely wash me out 🙁
    Thank you for such wonderful and warm comments. You really made me smile and made my day. You are AWESOME, my friend. And I hope one day we will finally have the chance to meet <3
    Suzy xx

    1. That would be so amazing to meet in real life. I dream about that with all these good friends I’ve made through blogging. I do wonder/hope it will some day happen! It was such a pleasure having you Suzy. And with a tan, I know this dress would also look amazing on you! We have similar coloring! A x

  2. Girlfriend, you are simply beautiful in this fabulous blush dress! I love how the color looks on you and the fit is perfection. It is so good for us to be back. Was it really only a four month break?! Goodness, it felt so much longer!

  3. Anne, I might be as happy as you are to have the Fab 40’s back! And it was Suzy’s post that first got my attention to alert me that you were all back! I adore that woman! Just as I adore all of you ladies of the Fab 40’s! I always look forward to what you have in store and you never disappoint. This pink velvet is gorgeous and the blush color is absolutely stunning on you, my friend! I currently have a similar blush velvet dress sitting in my shopping cart at Zaful…it will probably make its trip to my mailbox soon as I am so inspired by your dress that I will finalize my purchase. Cheers to velvet!


    1. Yes! Get it!! I love wearing this color–especially with a little frosty, metallic lip! It is good to be back. It’s such a small world how we’re all connected to one another. 😀 A x

  4. You look super sexy in this dress Ann. This is a color that seems like it should look great on everyone(heck, we all blush right?) but there’s an undertone of “?” that can drain color from some complexions. Your holiday tan makes it very attractive on you. Added to the way it shimmers and sweeps over your curves and WOW! The backdrop for these pictures is also quite beautiful. Is this a temple?
    I can feel the happy vibes of your reunited Fab 40’s. A group of women uniquely expressing a fashion concept gives us a nice range of inspirational looks. I particularly like the way Suzy turned her strapless dress into a very wearable daytime look!

    1. Hello Jude, this is the hotel where we stayed at the end of our Christmas vacation. We left Thailand, and spent six days in Siam Reap, Cambodia. Wow! It was amazing!! Both the temples and Angkor Wat and this small little boutique hotel. Kevin and I really are so lucky that we somehow carved out a life filled with so much travel. In just two weeks we head to Luang Prabang in Laos. Yes, we are indeed “blessed.”

      I do love this color; it suits me better than the regular bubble gum pink color. I wonder if it would work when I’m not tan–like right now! Eek!! Time to get out the tan towels!!

      ;D A x

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