What’s with the Evil Eye?

I always wear at least one evil eye. Sometimes, I will wear multiple–maybe one around my neck, a ring, maybe a bracelet, or perhaps some evil eye earring. Guaranteed though, I always have one on. I have many superstitions; although I’d like to call them beliefs. The evil eyes I wear comes down to any possible evil eye that might be headed my way. I am fully aware that I put myself out there–like literally. I post pictures of myself on Kremb de la Kremb on a weekly basis. Plus, I post on my social media channels daily. This is just the fashion side of things; this doesn’t even include any looks passed my way by colleagues or students. It’s not that I think everyone out there has evil thoughts of me, but if by chance a judgement is ever made about me, I always, always feel protected by someone’s evil eyes with an evil eye I’m wearing.

Many religions and countries have talismans for any evil eye passed one’s way: Islam and Judaism, Greece and Brazil. While living in India, I can recall many babies and young children who had their eyes covered in black kohl eyeliner. It is believed that the black color will ward off any evil looks given toward children. For example, look at the beautiful child in this post from one of my visits back to India. The second picture of that darling little girl displays protection from an evil eye perfectly.

The evil eye isn’t the only talisman I wear. One summer I came home wearing my lovely Ganesha pendant. My (very) Catholic mom instantly asked, “And where is Jesus Christ?!” The next summer I came home with a necklace displaying five pendants: a dove (for the Holy Spirt) given to me from my god-mother, my Ganesha, a daisy from my dad, my Florentine lily from Kevin, and an elephant from Vincent. It was a heavy necklace, but I felt all deities and keepsakes were represented. I’m very, very intentional about the jewellery I wear!

When I walked into Monki and saw that they had a co-ord filled, no covered(!) with evil little eyes everywhere, I had to have it! I mean this outfit is basically like my superhero outfit! I am fully protected in this gear–not to mention my ring, pendant, and earrings.

Do you have something that protects you? A superstition that you always say or do to ward off any evil?

Please share your “evil eye” with me!

And if your interested in purchasing an evil eye pendant, here are some lovely options to choose from on Etsy:

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!