End of the School Year

End of the School Year 7
Oh my! The end of the school year! I’ve packed…I’ve finished school…we celebrated Kevin’s birthday and Vincent’s end to his primary education…and now, I’m ready for summer! The end of the school year is always such an incredible whirlwind. It’s good, but when I scramble out of it, I always feel a bit wiped. Kevin too. The kids maybe. But now, we have summer. Awwwww. Deep breath! And big grins. And a flight to catch in a few moments. The itinerary is as such: first stop Seattle. We fly out today on Saturday but we land earlier on Saturday than when we left! I know–crazy!! Time zones….Then, on Sunday, tomorrow kind of, Kevin and I fly to San Diego while he attends a middle school leadership conference and I play tag along/plus one/ wifey! (We haven’t had this sort of get away in over ten years–gasp!) The kids stay with Grammy and Babaji and then all them join us in San Diego on Wednesday. A highlight of our summer is always the little side trip we get to take with Kevin’s folks. They have always been our best travel companions, and we’ve rented a beach house in La Jolla. All of us can’t wait–stay tuned on Instagram. After our trip to San Diego, we fly back to Seattle for just one day there and then we hit Spokane, Washington on Tuesday, June 28th. From then on out, it’s Spirit Lake, Idaho BabAy! Oh, that porch bed is calling me. Before all that though, I’m posting these pics to celebrate the end of this school year.

Here’s Vinnie’s 8th grade picture found in the Oriental, HKIS 2016 year book. He’s changing before our eyes these days growing into a young man.
The child’s face in him has been left behind.

End of the School Year 2

End of the School Year 6
Kevin and I struck a prom pose–but why not!

End of the School Year 4
These two! They’ve got a really neat bond.

End of the School Year 5

End of the School Year 1
I was happy to capture this candid shot. Vincent turned to his friend while in line to receive his certificate to shake his buddy Henry’s hand. Vincent has made some really good friends in his four years here at HKIS. What’s hard is having to say goodbye to a few of them. Luckily, I just have a feeling he will see them again.

End of the School Year 8
A special occasion calls for a special dress. Come July 24th, this dress will have been in my closet for 19 years. I wore this dress to our rehearsal dinner the night before we got married in 1997. It’s a keeper! As is Kevie!!

How will you be celebrating your summer? Do you have a reunion? Family trip? I hope you have a great summer and a chance to catch your breath. I know all the Kremb de la Kremb clan will be doing just that!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

3 thoughts on “End of the School Year

  1. Congrats to the school year being over! Loved seeing all the family pics! Great dress – can’t believe it’s 19 years old!

    Hope you had a pleasant flight! Have a fabulous summer vacation! I’m especially jealous of your time in La Jolla – one of my favorites! Enjoy!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thank you Andrea! Can you tell I’ve been on summer vacation out in Idaho with limited Internet!? Now, summer is over, I leave in two days, and I’m catching up on solid wifi at my folks’ house!

      Summer was great, but it has come to an end. I’m actually glad because the hip pain I’ve endured has become to intense to handle. I’ll have a hip replacement done in Hong Kong this Friday, and if you can believe it, I’m actually excited!

      I hope you have had a great summer Andrea!

      Love, Ann

  2. Oh gosh!! I am so bad!! I am definitely a day late and a dollar short on this one! I’m so sorry we missed you. It would have been wonderful to see you and Patrick. I hope all is well. We have grown kids by now. I’m happy to know you read Kremb de la Kremb–my little side passion project.

    Take care. Much love, Ann

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