EIVOR by Lustre X Sabrina Sikora

It’s no secret I love jewelry. I drink it up like water. So, when two of my expat friends came together to collaborate on an exquisite collection, I’ve been keen to collect and now promote. In this post, I plan to celebrate I beautiful collection of jewelry dedicated to a daughter, celebrate two very creative and kind women whom I am lucky to call friends, and hopefully encourage you to go shopping on October 18th!

Our international world is so small; it’s really quite fabulous. I met Sabrina Sikora at one of my very first events in Hong Kong back in 2012. The event was for another friend and amazing woman, Geneva from A Pair and a Spare. We were all at Bookazine to celebrate Geneva’s book launch, DIY Fashionista. This is when and where I met Sabrina–a Southern belle that proves beauty is way more than skin deep. She’s even more beautiful on the inside!

Sabrina is a model, photographer, blogger, and to top it off an amazing mother to her two youngins. Now, with this new line in collaboration with Lustre, she can also add designer to the list! Eivor is an edgy collection that was conceived during her pregnancy with her daughter, Eivor, which happens to mean treasure. When I asked her about the collection, she said she wanted something to go with black and white–since that’s pretty much all she wears now. (It doesn’t get dirty from the kiddos!) Sabrina wanted to be able to throw on some jewelry that made her feel good instantly, matched with everything, but also had a bit of an edge. I think Eivor is all that.

Let’s get to my other international buddy Anaita. Anaita is a very kind and generous individual. She reached out to me as a jeweler to see if I’d like to work with her. Ummm, one glance at all of her gorgeous jewels, and I jumped. What I didn’t know was that I’d be making a friend in the process.

Anaita is from one of my favorite places on Earth: Bombay, India. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. India has my heart. When I meet Indians, my love of the place, the culture, and the people is proven once again by their genuine ways. A bond with Anaita was made right away–as if we’ve known one another a lot longer than we actually have. Although she used to live in Hong Kong, she now resides in Singapore where Sabrina moved a couple of years ago. It did not take long for both Anaita and Sabrina to find one another either, and once they did, they made some magic themselves.

On October 18th, I highly encourage you to go take a look at ShopLustre.com. Enjoy not only the Eivor collection, but all the others as well. For example, take a look at Summertide–so vibrant! Or take a look at Fiesta for the perfect earrings that will match your entire wardrobe. Finally if you are partial to gemstones, you must go pick something out from Naked.

For me, there are a few things that cause me happiness: lovely jewelry, special friends, and women working together to create something beautiful.

Do check out the Eivor by Lustre X Sabrina Sikora!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!