Ecuador and Its Murals

There’s one thing we all noticed right away upon arrival to Ecuador: its murals. This country has murals everywhere, and they are so remarkable! Just click on this Google search to see what I mean.

This mural is very near to our home. If we head into Quito, we pass this Ecuadorian mural each time. I love it! And the first thing I wanted to do with it was match it, then take a photoshoot with it. Considering black and white with a pop of red is my favorite color combo, this was a pretty easy mural to compliment.

Unfortunately, I tried and tried to find out information on this mural, but I couldn’t find the artist(s). I think it must be a collaboration of sorts, but when I searched for Ali, Sisa, Casa, and Sebas, nothing came up at all. What I did learn was the meaning of munay: love! “Munay” is the Quechua verb for love. Munay is a “a state of being kind, accepting, caring, warm, and pure. You can say munay to someone you admire, someone you care for, or someone you are welcoming.” Isn’t that beautiful!?

Quechua is the language of this Andean region. There are tons of Quechuan words mixed into the Spanish language here in Ecuador. Here are a few I’ve learned so far: “chiva” for party bus! “Serrano” is a mountain person, so that’s everyone here in Quito! And then to accompany serrano, there’s “sorrocho” which refers to altitude sickness–which is a very real thing here up at 9000+ feet. And I’m not chendo! (This last one, “chendo,” means kidding.)

Living in Quito, Ecuador has been so exciting and fun thus far. Traveling and learning about other cultures is so exhilarating for me. To say it fuels my life may sound dramatic, but it is the absolute truth. Here’s to more murals, more Quechua, and many more mountain explorations!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!