Style Stories No. 16: Dresses with Sneakers

Dresses with Sneakers

I’ve learned a few lessons since the last time I tried out my style stories. Remember, I broke my back last time?! Hahah, not really, but kinda sorta. Anyway, since that time, I’ve been working hard at Gym (I’ve given the fitness room a name), trying to strengthen my back. The other thing I’ve done is move my flat lays to the bed, so I don’t have to lean over so far. Also, I’m using a ladder instead of climbing up on a chair. I will not be discourage! I will persevere!! Ha.

Recently I witnessed one of my blogger friends, Sam over at Fake and Fabulous, create a capsule wardrobe. I have tried this, but I have found it doesn’t really work that well for me. I want all my options. Instead I do something different: I set out with a theme in mind for the week. Here’s an example of a complete week in which I wore a dress with sneakers every single day. Setting a theme does a couple of things for me: obviously, first it gives me focus when I get dressed each morning. In fact, with a theme in mind, I often have a few days planned out. Second, when I dress with a theme like dresses with sneakers, I’m really able to evaluate whether or not the dress I wear is working for me. If it isn’t, I’ll give it away. If it worked, and I felt good, it can go in the drawer to be put away and cycled through. If it felt really, really good, the dress will go back into the wardrobe for one more wear before it gets stored away. (This makes me realize there’s an entire post waiting to be written about how I handle tight, small storage spaces with a mammoth, oversized collection of clothes….)

Dresses with Sneakers

The accessories I wear are another item that get decided for the week–they are usually the auspicious jewellery I’ll wear for the entire week. I’m very superstitious about my jewellery thinking it’s going to protect, heal, guard, help, give me super powers, you get the idea. It’s sill really, but I’ll save that for another post… For this week I chose my rose gold evil eye (purchased in Shanghai with my sister Mary), my gold Sanskrit good health pendant (a recent purchase on Etsy from Azaggi), and my gold AMK monogram letters (another purchase made with my sister Mary during a different trip to Shanghai–if you look closely there’s an A, M, and K. She got the one with an M and W!) Just for an example I changed up my jewellery again this week: I’ve gone with just a simple silver hamsa hand. Each week my necklaces and rings shift in a very whimsical way but always with the intention to protect or stir special memories. Like I said, I’ll elaborate more later.

Sanskrit Good Health PendantI pay too much attention to trends. I always have. I’m not ashamed of it nor will I ever stop. It’s just a part of me. Hence, when I started seeing round, simple pendants popping up in abundance on my Instagram feed, I felt ready to get my own–but it had to be my own. Remember that week of bedrest after my back broke because of this post? Well, I found my pendant: it’s a Sanskrit circle of perfection meaning “good health.” I’ll be surprised if I ever take it off! Yes, I’m auspicious about the jewellery I wear. I always have been, always will be.

The Evil Eye Necklace–Speaking of auspicious jewellery… I need to dedicate an entire post to the evil eye and my connection with it. Suffice it to say that there is one on my body at all times–either my ears, neck, wrist, fingers, or ankle. I will for sure have one on. Now, this one was purchased in such a great little boutique in a very HUGE Shanghai market. I’ll never be able to find another one just like it. But for you, my dear readers, I have entered the Etsy vortex and found 11 evil eye necklaces that I would be willing to drop bank on just to own just one more evil eye….It’s my good wishes Etsy gift to you!!

| 1 | 2| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

*I’m curious….if you looked at all my Etsy evil eye shopping, which one catches your eye! Hehehe! Get it!?

Dresses with Sneakers: Monday

Dresses with Sneakers

Navy Polkadot Dress–I love how sometimes when you walk into H&M everything is either $50HKD ($6USD) or $100HKD ($12USD). In situations like that it’s almost like shopping at a charity shop, but the items are brand spanking new. This $6 dress was a no brainer. I don’t think I even tried it on.

Ruffle Socks–I can’t stop buying cute socks! First, my sneaker collection is enormous. Once I started wearing only sneakers, I’ve wanted plenty of options. Now, I need the cute socks to wear with the cute sneakers. These, plus all the other ruffly ones I one, are total winners!

Dresses with Sneakers: Tuesday

Dresses with Sneakers

Striped Zara Dress (US Link)–I paired this dress in this post to highlight my DIY acid wash jean jacket. I loved how sporty yet chic I felt in the ensemble. Total winner. Basically, those flatlays that broke the blogger’s back–well they broke the bank too! That week off on bed rest I took a little online trip to Zara and bought three very cute dresses. The socks I wore with this short shift are not shown, but I paired the red high tops with white fishnets. It was an outfit that felt pretty darn good.

Dresses with Sneakers: Wednesday

Dresses with Sneakers

Zara Plaid Dress (US Link)–Here’s another Zara dress from my bedrest splurge. I just couldn’t resist the plaid. I mean, I love plaid! Now, it’s a very blousy, bag like dress, so to fix that I tied a jean jacket around my waist all day. To pull out the red, I wore red tassel earrings, and to pull out the navy, I wore my navy gum soled shoes. Again, this outfit felt great! There’s nothing like feeling good in what you’re wearing. This equates to confidence–our very best accessory.

Dresses with Sneakers: Thursday

Dresses with Sneakers

Zara Floral DressThis is the final Zara dress–again, I love it. It’s bright and fun and just feels magical to wear–hence the pairing of my magical sneakers. I mean how perfect: rainbow sneakers to match the rainbow dress.

Magical Rainbow Sneakers(US Link)–I bought these fun sneakers online from Forever 21–where they’re sold out, but don’t you worry! Rocket Dog, the brand that makes them, still has them. If you want a fun sneaker, that will elevate anything you’re wearing (check out the orange bodysuit set), get these sneakers. They seriously ROCK!

Dresses with Sneakers: Friday

Dresses with Sneakers

Velvet Crush DressThis drees was only $12!! I am not kidding. There’s this rather random online shop called Shein. I think they must have Zara’s designs or something; they are always selling Zara items, but once the clothing arrives there is never a label present. It’s like a “Made in China” thing. Maybe? I don’t know. I do know that I often see Zara items over there on Shein–like this velvet crush dress that is still available in all sizes for only $12USD!

So, that was a week of dresses with sneakers!
Up next I’m thinking of planning out a total bohemian week. What do you think? Yay or nay for the Style Stories and my flat lays….?

*This post has been linked up to Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatilike and #fakeituntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Style Stories No. 16: Dresses with Sneakers

  1. Yikes! This post is jam packed full of goodies!!
    I looked at all of the evil eye options and decided that the simple design of the opal one was my favorite. Opal is my birthstone as well so if I needed an extra talisman of protection I think that’s a good choice.
    Although i liked your clothing layouts and enjoyed seeing the large variety I missed seeing YOU Ann!! Perhaps you could pick a favorite from each week and show us you wearing it!?! I do understand that it’s probably easier to show a weeks worth of outfits in this way and it’s a nice change!
    There was a ton of fun in these pairings. They were ALL really cute but my favorites were the first one with the polka dot dress and the plaid dress. And as a lover of the hightop/ Converse style sneaker for about a million years it’s fun to see how you styled them.
    Also, I purchased a bunch of tops from Shein over the summer. Their prices are SO reasonable and I was very happy with my stuff overall! I spent a bunch of time this evening looking at their early fall offerings in fact!
    Your visits with gym sound like they’re doing the trick in moving you into a positive mode for your body and spirit. Making a little progress at a wise pace is just plain smart. I think your going to love feeling stronger and strong muscles will help support those vulnerable joints and vertabrae.
    Enjoyable post Ann!

    1. That opal one sounds perfect for you! There were several I could easily see myself purchasing. But, I already have so many. Hmmm, maybe just one, two, three more! Hahah!

      That is so sweet to say you want to see me Jude. I am just trying to mix it up because maybe some people are sick of seeing me…? Hahah! No but really, I like to highlight what I wear each day, but getting that picture in at the end of the day is difficult. Especially now that I’ve been going to see Gym (!) after school. I’ve taken your comment in though; I’ll see if there’s a way I could combine a little of both….

      Shein is a steal. That’s for sure. But, stay away from Zaful. They’re site and mentality, well, they just make me mad! I made a purchase of three things last month only to find out that 2/3 were sold out. Well….don’t sell it to me then!! Oh, I was so mad. Still am. Anyhoo. I do not recommend Zaful–maybe for their earrings and such but that’s it!

      Seeing Gym has been great, but guess what? I’ve gained weight!! Ugh! Go figure…. and on Monday night I went to put on this lovely tunic of mine to meet a friend in town–well, it didn’t fit me! It was so tight in the biceps and across my back. When I went to give her a hug, I was afraid I’d split the top down the back! Ugh.

      Oh well. I do like Gym, and I like that my legs are starting to feel stronger. And I also like muscles soreness that masks any chronic joint pain. What to do?!

      Love, Annie

      1. Don’t forget that muscle weighs more than fat. Weight is unimportant. Muscle is awesome especially when it’s supporting those achy joints and giving them some respite. Being healthy is the goal even if those awesome little muscles split open your shirt! :-):-):-)

  2. Sam’s capsule wardrobe doesn’t quite work for me either, but I do love this week of sneakers and dresses. I may have to give it a try too. I’ve not tried flat lays and am now totally inspired seeing yours Annie!

    Anna x

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