The DOs and DON’Ts of DIY Tie Dye

I am totally guilty of hopping on the DIY tie dye train! I’m so guilty that I’m here to share some DOs and DON’Ts–especially since it took me three good tries to get this perfect (in my honest opinion) yellow DIY tie dye sweatshirt.

Ok, first, do not use food coloring. Even if you soak your garment in vinegar beforehand, the moment you wash it, all the food coloring washes out too! This was my first fail using Easter egg leftover dye.

Also, plant, fruit, or spice dyes don’t really work–unless you know the chemistry of fixants and mordants, which I don’t. I tried a very, very strong turmeric dye, and just like the food coloring, it completely washed out!

DO use fabric dye. Thats how this yellow bit of perfection (again, my opinion) was made. That’s what works.

Really, you can take it from me; I’ve learned my lesson with DIY tie dying. The way to go is with fabric dyes!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!