DIY: Tie Dye Denim Jacket

It’s been soooooo long since I completed a DIY project. I’m not sure why that is, but I feel determined to bring back a lil’ DIY action to Kremb de la Kremb again. And since my specialty seems to be denim jackets, I’m starting with something I’ve been wanting of late: a DIY tie dye denim jacket. It was very easy to make, and an easy DIY is the only DIY for me!

1. First, I picked up a very dark denim jacket at my local thrift store, Me & Gee.

2. Then I started twisting and adding plenty of rubber bands until the entire jacket was all balled up.

3. Fill a sink with water and plenty of bleach. (I can’t say the exact ratio; my sink kept emptying so I’d add some water and add some bleach every now and then.)

4. Add the tie up bundle into the sink and submerge it under the bleach water until all the bubbles are released. This will make sure the jacket sinks if the water level is high enough.

5. My denim was really dark, so I left the jacket in a bowl of bleach and water over night. Just keep an eye on the jacket until the exact color is reached.

6. This is the super fun part! Undo all the rubber bands and check out the surprise that is your new DIY tie dyed denim jacket.

Now that I have a new DIY tie dyed denim jacket, I wore it out right away. With one wash it was ready to go, and it barely had a faint smell of bleach. Voila! I’m back to DIYing!!

Do you have any DIY suggestions?! I’m ready to get back to it!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!