DIY: Patched Denim Shirt

DIY Patches 4

It seems that every time I enter a Zara store I see more and more patches. They’re so fun and whimsical, yet nothing I’d ever spend more than $$ on–plus, this is like the easiest DIY ever. I know I am always saying my DIYs are the easiest ever, but I guess that should read I will only will complete an easy DIY as this one is. Basically, collect some patches; I found my collection at a night market in Thailand. While this might seem extravagant there are plenty of sites, especially on Etsy, that have a wide collection of patches to choose from. (I’ll include the links at the end of this post.) If you live in Hong Kong, we have our own sets of local markets as well that have booths with patches. The other item I already had in my closet. I was rarely wearing this oversized, bleached out denim shirt, but already since I’ve added these quirky colors to the shirt, I’ve worn it a ton more!

DIY Patches 7

1. Gather your supplies.

DIY Patches 2

All you need are some patches and a denim shirt. Alternatively you could add patches to a pair of jeans or a bomber jacket. Heck, even your favorite kitchen apron or daily backpack might appreciate a little color.

2. Place and pin the patches on the item.

DIY Patches 3

I took time placing the patches on my shirt trying to get the placement just right. I knew I wanted the blue and yellow Thai number 9 right on my right lapel. I also knew I wanted the eye on the right sleeve. I ended up have all the numbers on one side somehow and the black and white patches are grouped together. Try the item on with the patches in place to make sure you like how it is.

3. Bring the shirt to a tailor!

DIY Patches 5

Granted I have a sewing machine (and even made my first item!), but sewing on patches can be tricky. Once I placed them with a pin, I took my shirt to my tailor. I am so glad she did. They were meticulously attached–looking inside out that horse on my left lapel looks like a horse! I would have done a hack job sewing them on, so I went to an expert for this. I don’t think it’s cheating!

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DIY Patches 6

DIY Patches 1

After the Patch Trend Too?

Try it….
  • If you want to try out this easy DIY I found some places online that sell patches:
  • This Etsy shop, For the Love of Patch, sells in packs–which is a good option. Also, on Etsy, Your Patch Store, has a plethora of fun patches.
  • The Grindstore, a UK online store, has 16 pages worth of patches. From Australia there’s Iron On Patches–the more you buy the cheaper they get, and international shipping is just $3.
  • And finally, the ultimate source for patches comes from the Patch Club–anything is possible from this site!
Or just buy it….
More Visual Inspo

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One last call…

If you want me to make you something patched, it’d be my pleasure. Send me a mail at ann krembs @ krembdelakremb . com!

*This post has been linked up to my good friend Sheela’s link up and my fellow FAb 40s friend Dawn Lucy’s Fashion Should be Fun. It has also been linked up to Jess’ Turning Heads. It has also been linked to my fellow Fab 40s friend Dawn Lucy’s Fun Fashion Friday Link up.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “DIY: Patched Denim Shirt

  1. Wow…really….patches again. I’m not sure I’m ready for this trend again… but I’m sure the more I see, the more I’ll be open to it!
    I have put patches on a shirt for a client before….it’s a laborious process as you need to use the machine for the thickness, but you actually have to use the wheel with your hand to get around all the borders!

    1. Yep! Patches are having a big moment–at least over here in Asia. Our Zaras are seriously packed with patches; even the kids department has ’em. Since I never used this shirt and I wasn’t willing to fork out the cash for this trend, I made it! And yes, I couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to sew them on properly so it was worth using the tailor. Just a little cheat!

      It’s always interesting to see what’s trending in different areas of the world. I wonder if it will hit where you are…

      Love, Ann

  2. Your denim shirt turned out great! And having the patches sewn on by a professional is very smart! I have been wearing my denim jacket a lot and will have to get a new one soon. Maybe it’s time for a few patches on the old one… 🙂

    1. Thanks Andrea! I saved myself a lot of grief by using my sweet little local tailor. She’s a cutie and reasonably priced, so win-win for me!

      Yes to the denim jacket! Let me know if you need help with patches. We have market stalls filled with them, so I’d be happy to help you out!

      Love, Ann

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