DIY Fringe Sandals

DIY Fringe Sandals 15

I had been on the lookout for some fringe sandals, but I could never find the perfect combo of fringe + sandal. It was at this point that I took matters in to my own hands! I knew fringe sandals would be the easiest of easies to make, so when I found the perfect pair of sandals at Target, I set my DIY project in motion. It was seriously easy!

1. Gather the supplies:

DIY Fringe Sandals 1

For this project I used a pair of sandals (I found my from target–they’ve got the perfect amount of heel), fringe, glue, and scissors. (The long toothpick is optional. My glue had an excellent applicator, so I ended up not needing the handy stick.)

2. Prep the sandals.

DIY Fringe Sandals 2

In order to get my sandal ready, I had to get rid of the buckle. I knew the fringe wouldn’t work over the buckle, and since this pair of sandals had a back zipper entrance, I simple cut off the buckle, glued the ankle strap together, and then reinforced it with two staples from a staple gun.

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3. Prep the fringe.

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Now that the sandal is ready, I measured out the fringe. I could have just used one fringe layer around, but instead I chose to have two layers. I first cut the bottom layer that would be attached half way down. I then measured out the top layer making this one just a smidgen longer to better cover up the zipper area.

4. Glue on the layers of fringe.

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For the bottom layer of fringe I made a line of glue about 1/3 of the way down on the strap. This bottom layer would be the longer layer. After this layer was attached I added another round of glue closer to the top edge of the ankle strap, and then attached this layer. While attaching I just wound slowly around adhering the fringe in line with the glue. This step is very forgiving. Later once the glue dried, I was able to take off any excess sticky glue clumps.

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5. Press the layers on.

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An important thing to note is as I attached each layer of fringe, I spent some time really pressing the ankle strap and glue together. The glue dries pretty quickly, so not much pressing is needed, but this step helps to smooth out the fringe to ankle strap.

My new fringe sandals are ready. And I love them!

DIY Fringe Sandals 13

I let the glue set for about a half hour, and then, my new fringe sandals were ready to wear! Sometimes, I just prefer making my own trend. Now, if I’m really sold on this style, I could invest in a pair of fringe sandals, but for now, this pair does the trick.

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DIY Summer Projects

While I am home for the summer and have access to stores like JoAnn’s Fabrics and Michael’s, I plan to make something once a week. Are there any DIY projects you’d like to see? Let me know, and I’ll give it a try.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

8 thoughts on “DIY Fringe Sandals

    1. Ha ha! Wouldn’t that be amazing!! Next week I’m planning to turn an evening bag into an ostrich one. I’m hoping to have some extra feathers to embellish some black heels…stay tuned! A x

  1. Hi again Ann. I’m gradually working my way around your site and came across the how section today. These fringe sandals look as if they could have been shop bought. Amazing! I need to have a go at this project too.
    Anna’s Island Style

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