DIY: Embellished Bandana

Embellished Bandana 6

I know, I know, every one is so over Coachella. Yet, despite all the hype, some really cool looking style comes out of this festival. And, I want to be a part of that: the #trending bit! I seriously would be fine to just be a fly on the wall at this event, just staring at everyone’s getup. And some of them are just that: getups. But, I’d be looking closely, and I’d find some gems: like the embellished bandana–if Chiara is wearing it, well, It’s coming! The bandana kerchief trend is big–it’s seen around necks, tied to belt loops, and wrapped around wrists. Well, now I’m ramping it up; I created an embellished bandana.

And it was a cinch!

Gather the sluppies.

Embellished Bandana 2

I took an old black bandana. Then I grabbed a bunch of random necklaces that don’t get worn all that much. I wasn’t sure what I’d use. I took off any hooks and latches. I also needed needle and thread for the stitching.

Arrange the necklaces.

Embellished Bandana 3

I took my time here, arranging different necklaces in different ways. In the end I opted for four. Then I pinned them down.

Hand sew the necklaces on to the kerchief.

Embellished Bandana 1

This part is time consuming, but you can sit in front of the TV and stitch the necklace to the bandana. The stitching doesn’t have to be perfect either–you just want the necklaces to hold to the scarf. For some necklaces you might choose more sporadic stitches, other a tight stitch. For example, the big bobbly shiny one on mine just has a few stitches while rhinestone is more secure. Luckily the stitching will barely be seen. (Alternatively, this is another one of those DIYs where you could bring the scarf to your tailor and have them sew on the necklaces, but I’m not sure how expensive tailors are in the US. It’s worth enquiring at your local dry cleaner.)

Voila! Embellished Bandana!

Embellished Bandana 4

Embellished Bandana 5

For Fun, here’s a pick of my cute photographer after I planted her with purple kisses!

Gigi Krembs

*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

11 thoughts on “DIY: Embellished Bandana

  1. Ahhhhhh….such brilliance Ann! That would be such a great idea to get rid of my “one earrings” (you know, where you’ve lost one and still have the other?)
    And isn’t that sexaul harrassment on employees? Ha ha ha ha!!

    1. Oh, yes, I have that little compartment set aside with all those lost earrings hoping one day for the other to be found. So, yes, that is an excellent idea!

      And yes, guilty as charged!! Hahah! Love, Annie

    1. Yes! Try it Sam. It was easy peasy–the only kind of DIY I will attempt. Gets too hard, and I’m out!

      Ok, psst. I have to tell you a secret about my legs: on Sunday, I use a tan towel. Then every other day I either use Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer 5 in one and the next day Jergens Natural Glow Self Tanner. I use medium to dark which I would recommend even if you’re pale. That’s my secret: totally a self tanner!! Try it!!

      Love, Annie

  2. Okay, I have zero craftiness talent…but this? I have to do this! I love it! I wear necklaces with my bandana, but never thought of actually blinging the bandana itself up. And I can stitch, not well mind you, but well enough to fancy up a bandana!

    1. Yes Debbie! Give it a go!! And then share it with me once it’s done, k? I’d love to see. And, it’s easy. Easy, easy! I would only attempt an easy DIY!! Love, Ann

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