DIY Tie Leggings

It’s been a while since I posted a DIY project. Perhaps it’s a seasonal thing, and I find spring, summer, and fall DIYs easier than winter. Or maybe the inspiration hasn’t struck lately–until now. I have a few DIY ideas lined up. The first and easiest are these DIY tie leggings. Any DIY that only needs a pair of scissors… well it’s a no brainer and sure way to get me going on the DIY motivation train. These DIY tie leggings were a cinch and also super forgiving. I didn’t even have to cut straight–although I did try!

1. Gather the supplies.

A pair of scissors and a pair of leggings is all you need. That’s it! I chose a lycra pair since I knew anything I cut would curl up–which is exactly what I wanted for these DIY tie leggings since I’m not the best at cutting a straight line.

2. Mark the length below your knee.

With the leggings on, use a fabric pencil (or in my case an eyeliner pencil) to mark how far up the leggings you plan to cut. I went below my knees.

3. Cut out the side and inner seams.

Now cut along the seam to take it out on both sides. This will give clean seamless ties for the DIY tie leggings.

4. Cut each flap down diagonally to the end.

This part was a little tricky, and I might have done it wrong. Basically you want to cut diagonally down each. First decide which way you plan to tie, and then start cutting on that side. The back flap will be pulled across to tie in the opposite direction, so you again cut diagonally from the side from which you will pull. Luckily, and obviously, cutting straight didn’t matter. With a couple of pulls on the new ties, the instantly curled in making the ties even more narrow.

Put those leggings on and start tying your DIY tie leggings!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “DIY Tie Leggings

  1. Just the fact that you conjured up this idea is so cool!! Relying on the nature of the fabric to accomodate your idea and “roll with it” is the mark of a genius DIYer!!
    Not to mention that you gotta love a way to get the look without the cost!!
    Great workout look and the boom-box purse/duffle bag compliments beautifully!

    1. Thank you Jude. Now that I’ve made them though, I think I will buy the $10 version because I wish the ties wrapping around were longer. I think to achieve that, I’d need to sew on extensions. It was worth a try though….

      Isn’t the bag fun!? I picked it up in one of Hong Kong’s ladies’ markets!!

      Love, Annie

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