Same Same But Different: White Top with Denim

white top with denim

Just on Monday, I stated that summer is over, yet the yearly uniform that I consistently wear of a white top with denim remains in high rotation. Whether it’s a t-shirt and cut-off jeans, a white sweater and denim skirt, or a white flowy dress worn open with Levi’s, pairing a white top with denim is my go-to style. Isn’t it everyone’s? It’s such an easy breezey look to wear: it’s always comfortable and most definitely always on trend. It’s one of those timeless looks that never goes out of style. I’ve been wearing white tops with denim since I was in high school. The beauty of this look is it compliments the seasons as well. It’s one of those timeless outfits that I see on teens and my own mother.

What about you? Do you often pair a white top with denim?

white top with denim

white top with denim

white top with denim

I have another question: for a while kimonos were very trendy. (Here’s three versions of my black kimono, a pretty floral one, and also my very Asian red one worn for Chinese holidays.) Now it appears that the long kimono is where it’s at. Another way to create a long kimono look is by opening up a buttoned dress. Have you tried this? It’s my current favorite way of wearing this sheer white number that I’ve had forever. Here I wore this lace white dress open prancing around palaces in India! Then I wore this gorgeous white dress again layered with a blazer on top and jeans underneath, yet this time around closed as a dress.

So, here’s my second question: Are you wearing your buttoned dresses open?
And third, after this post and multiple stylings of this button down dress, will you consider wearing a dress open?

white top with denim

white top with denim

white top with denim

*This post has been linked up to Not Lamb’s #iwillwearwhatilike and Fake Fabulous’ #fakeituntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Same Same But Different: White Top with Denim

  1. This white dress/ kimono is so feminine and lovely. I also love the look of a white lacy blouse and and faded denim. I must admit however that although have a few kimonos ( actually 3 of them were originally purchased as robes) I haven’t worn any of them out and about! No guts? Perhaps! I’m not seeing anyone wearing kimonos!
    I did purchase a faded denim shirt dress with a heavy lace bodice to wear kimono style. Maybe that will give me the kick start I need.
    You are looking quite dreamy, flowy and a tad wistful here Ann. I do remember that the back to school adjustments can ring that feeling on. Hope you’re pain free and enjoying the continuing beautiful Hong Kong weather!

    1. Jude! I have started going to the gym!! After I was in the hospital last for my back, I had a visit with my psychiatrist. I went on and on about how I felt the universe, karma, or the gods were all against me. I just couldn’t understand the WHY between all my chronic pain issues.

      She’s so sweet; she’s the best doctor ever. She said to me: We have to look at this empirically. The data says that you have a bad body. Your left knee has affected right right hip, your right hip has affected your lower back, and your left knee is out again. Scientifically, you just have a messed up body. That’s all there is to it. You need to lose weight in your middle (I’m an apple) and gain muscle on my (skinny) legs.

      She’s great! That week I signed up for the gym. I’ve gone four times, and I’m going again today. My trainer is fully aware that I am a fragile flower. That’s how I refer to myself! But, I do believe after four sessions I just might be getting stronger already! We’ll see. It’s so nice to have muscle soreness from use rather than chronic pain in a joint (or two). They are very different feelings.

      So, here’s to my new boyfriend GYM!! Hahaha.

      Unfortunately this white number–that is one of my favorites–might be getting too much use. There are a couple of tears in the most random spots. I’m going to see if my tailor can repair them. She’s a genius so I’m sure she can.

      Thanks for always taking the time to comment Jude.

      Much love, Ann

      1. I’m so glad to hear that you’re advocating for your mental and physical well being with your usual enthusiasm. Go mindfully Ann. I get the sense that you enthusiastically dive in and are prone to overdue (?) You mentioned in an earlier post that you were enjoying time in the pool. I hope your gym includes one or that you’ll continue to use the one at school. Such a good way to coax muscles along safely or rest actively between workouts. Why don’t you consult Anna (of Island Style) about swimming carefully toward fitness?

        1. I need to get back in the water–but the sea has been so icky. And it’s tough to get into the pool during school hours–the only time it’s available to teachers. I have to make it a priority though because it does feel so good. This week, we have head terribly muggy, very icky air. I haven’t even taken my bike out for a ride since my back injury, and that is also such fun. Oh well. At least I am (cautiously) making it to see Gym!!

          Love, Annie

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