in Saudi Arabia

Kevin and I now live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The move has been at both times intense and easy. It’s intense because, well it’s Saudi Arabia, and it’s been easy because I do not have a job. While Kevin arrived to the Kingdom on August first, I’ve had a very luxurious start to this new post. I was able to stay in the Pacific Northwest long into August and even September. Upon arriving here in what I like to call the Queendom, I first stopped in Florence, Italy to visit Gigi studying abroad and hence went on to meet Kevin in Istanbul for what I like to call Islam Lite.

When I finally did arrive in the Kingdom, I mean Queendom, the weather was still blissfully hot but not too hot with my settling in spent each afternoon at one of the very resort-like pools our compound offers. One of the intense parts of moving here was not having our shipment. There was only so much spending I could setting up our home while our house awaiting its goods.

The other very luxurious part of our move is I do not have a job. Oh yeah, did I mention that already?! Not working has been very amazing. I mean I have basically been working since I was nine years old when I started babysitting. Even now I usually try to have a side gig. But come this February 10th, I will be absolutely jobless. It’s liberating to say the least.

The Return of Kremb de la Kremb
My coach, Miss Priscilla in Ecuador, recently asked me what my passion project would be… What did I feel passionate enough about to commit to? I struggled with an answer, but then I remembered a time when I was so pleased, so happy with my creativity, that I thought, Why not do that?! I loved the years when I was dedicating three posts a week to this blog. I felt creatively enthused always putting together outfits and deciding what to write about. I loved writing, styling, shooting, and editing for Kremb de la Kremb. And while blogs have all but died, I figured who really cares? Writing here, putting together outfits, styling the looks to match the setting, I love doing that.

With that explanation done and out of the way let me say a few things about this outfit. When I knew I was moving and returning (more on that later) to Saudi Arabia, I had an eye out for outfits that I thought would hit just right. This random, gauzy, tie-dye-ish chocolate brown and cream mesh co-ord immediately made the packing list. Before even arriving to this vastly arid country, I knew this outfit would be perfect, so I bought it—at one of the lucrative end of season Zara sales in Quito before packing up and leaving that beautiful country.

So, I’m going go to commit to writing again. And styling. And telling style stories. It’s like an open diary but my diary, so if no one reads it, no biggie. At least it will be here. Written. Created. Styled. Shared. Here’s to Kremb de la Kremb: my original passion project and the one I am excited to return to!
And btw, there’s definitely more to come…
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