Covered Perfectly

covered perfectly

I get pretty excited when a brand reaches out to me–it’s like, “Yes! I’m doing something right!” When a female entrepreneur contacts me, I get even more excited–like with this cozy loden green lounge suit/pajamas. Pauline Durban founded Covered Perfectly when she couldn’t find tops that made her feel good while wearing them. Rather than deal with too short of a sleeve or no tummy coverage, she made a clothing line to suit her needs. She started with just tops in 2013, but since that time her line has extended to pants, skirts, and even dresses. Everything in her line is made from the super cozy fabric called MicroModal–and I can attest that the fabric feels very soft. Not only that, but waking up in something presentable right away made me feel so good–basically like the line totes, I felt covered perfectly! Add a little Lipstick Queen Frog Prince mood lipstick, and I was set–and these shots were literally taken straight out of bed. I mean look at my bedhead!!

covered perfectly

covered perfectly

covered perfectly

I love mood lipsticks. I think it might have to do with my lil’ sis in the sorority I was a part of my first two years of college. Her name was Candice, and she got me hooked on those magic mood lippies from Fran Wilson (this ten pack looks real fun–it’s like a crayon box of mood lipstick goodness!). Do you remember those? Candice had the hottest, coral pink, bright lips back in 1991. I had to have them! Ironically, once we got to Bangkok and I headed to Watsons, I think I pretty much found THE best Magic Lip Balm: it’s a perfect reddish pink, it lasts super long (like the next morning kind of stain!), and the best part is it has an SPF of 30. I’ve linked it to the Thailand store, but I’m on the hunt to see how and where this can be purchased outside of Asia. In fact, I think my hunt for the very best mood lipstick is worth of its post…. What do you think? In fact, the mood lipstick I found tonight while writing this post combines the best of both worlds: metallic AND mood! Yes, it’s in my Amazon shopping cart. Now I just have to decide which color(s)!

covered perfectly

covered perfectly

This post gives proof that I can wake up out of bed and both feel and look pretty good. In my lovely lounge suit from Covered Perfectly with a little mood lipstick there are two other little tricks that make me feel presentable. One, I’ve got a bralette on–that is a must. I’m to busty to go without a bra. The other is the eyelash extensions I’ve got on in these shots. They are so nice to wear–even if they wreak havoc on your eyelashes after they’re gone. (I’m in that stage now. Oh well…)

Please do go check out Pauline’s line of Covered Perfectly. And thank you for the lounge suit/pajamas Pauline!

And guess what?! If you’d like to purchase from Covered Perfectly, add the code AK20 at checkout for 20% off!!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Covered Perfectly

    1. Hahaha! Yes, but granted this is while on vacation, so I look very well rested. But I swear, a little mood lipstick, fake lash extensions, and cute lounge wear in a complimenting color is the key to waking up–bright eyed and bushy tailed!

      A x

  1. lovely suit, it looks comfy and pretty stylish!, and you look gorgeous!
    I would like to look that well when I get up!, I don’t look even aproachable before having some coffee!!

    1. Oh don’t you worry: I’ve had my coffee here! I’m the same way. I’m really lucky. My husband started a routine from way back, 20 plus years ago. He brings me my coffee in bed. I know; I’m spoiled rotten. But it’s a routine we’ve established. I’m going to go ahead and let it continue for the next 20!! 😀 A x

  2. First thing I noticed was how great this color of loden green looks on you! Wear it more often!
    The lashes are also lovely and I can understand how they would really improve the just out of bed chique vibe. I also love you colorful pillows and the green lushness outside your window.
    I would love to see a post that shows lip stains that are HYDRATING!

    1. Unfortunately, these lashes were awful! I don’t know what I was thinking going to a random salon in a little beach town in Thailand. Oh man, she did a horrific job. Anyway, they’re gone now, and I’m currently using NeuLash to restore the health of my lashes. I swear, I’m so VAIN! But, having the lash extensions, when they’re done well, is such a treat. Although even the best application causes damage. I like traveling with them–that’s for sure!

      I like LODEN green now–because of you and your nice compliments to me!!

      ;D A x

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