Costume Roundup


Dressing as Zorro is just about the easiest costume around. Don all your black clothes with a pair of black boots. Add a black hat and black cape. Then simply take an old black tshirt, cut two eye holes, and wrap it around your eyes. Andale! Zorro!!

Well, we all have a little over a week before Halloween. It’s right about this time in my family when we start thinking about what costume we’ll sport for October 31. There’s one costume requirement: ease–nothing too difficult or elaborate in the Kremb de la Kremb house. To help find the easiest costume out there, I’ve rounded up a few places on the web offering a whole slew of options.

Popsugar has 101 different ideas. The cool thing about this collection is it’s comprised of in-real-life scenarios–no models or studio pics here–rather personal selfies uploaded most likely various social networks. My two favorites are the four gals dressed as bath puffs and the simple white t-shirt saying “Error 404: Costume Not Found.”

Buzzfeed collected 51 cheap and easy costumes. Buzzfeed also has 30 Unexpected Halloween Costumes you can DIY. I love these two artistic options: Van Gogh and Pop Art. (Buzzfeed is the king of all compilations. Too see some over-the-top cute babies in costume, link here!)

Babble has 22 brilliant and pretty fashionable ideas. They’ve even highlighted one of my favorite fashion bloggers Jessica Quirk of What I Wore in her Dorothy Costume and her Hamburgler Costume. (Jessica creates great costumes; here’s her Wicked Witch.

For fellow fashionistas out there, these two roundups are pretty fun. Marie Clare has 10 pop culture type costumes that you could create from items in your closet. And Fashionista has 10 fashion themed costumes from dressing as Bill Cunningham to sporting Gangnam Style

Don’t forget to rely on Martha…she’s got 46 Kids Costumes, 35 Homemade Costumes, 20 No Sew Costumes, and 6 Evil Queen Makeup Ideas. (I’ve actually done this makeup on myself before during a Teen Read Week as seen below.)


To create this Evil Queen look, I followed these easy steps found on Martha Stewart.

*This post has been linked up to Not Lamb’s #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!