I Love Cold Hong Kong

Yes, the fake is fur, but my wearing it is not. Cold Hong Kong–which is only about a month-long–is actually quite fun. Cold weather is all relative. I mean temperatures aside, we all feel really cold over here. There is no heating insider our buildings here in Hong Kong–unless you count my Fashy (my hot water bottle that sleeps with me on these cold nights!). Out come all the blankets and long johns. In fact within this featured suited look, I’ve got fleece-lined tights on my legs plus some Uniqlo Heat Technology (if you know, you know!) underneath my turtleneck. The black faux fur is like being wrapped in a blanket. This over-the-top look is perfect for me: it gives me all the winter vibes!

Exactly what constitutes as cold weather over here in Hong Kong. Well for starters, we’re a little island on the sea, so what it “feels like” is always going to be colder than the actual temp. Also, considering the fact that the apartments are made of cinder block to keep cool during the hot months–well those blocks keep us all even cooler during the cold month we experience. Finally, most apartments only have air conditioning. It is rare to have heating in Hong Kong. So if it’s 40° outside, it is also 40° inside! That’s cold!! Despite feeling cold, this is a glorious time of year when we can open our windows and balcony doors during the day. I do love a cold Hong Kong.

You will not hear me complaining about the cold Hong Kong winter month–max two months. The PNW in me loves to pull out all my winter clothes, get layered, and feel chic and cozy at the same time!

What is your winter like? Is it miserable or do you enjoy the cold weather?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!