Coffee with Diamonds and on the Lake

Coffee6 Waking up out at Spirit Lake is just bliss! Every morning that the sun shines we see these sparkly diamonds glistening on the lake. Because Kevin and I sleep out on the porch, we are awoken by this view with accompanied birds every morning. Sometimes I like to take my coffee down to the dock and enjoy the serenity right on the water. Out at the cabin we also have a conglomerate of coffee mugs–each with their own story or symbolism. The Queen Hotel one in this post was a mug we walked away with over a skiing weekend in Canada during Kevin and my first year of dating. That means that mug is 20 years old!! It’s held up just like all the others. When you come visit us out at Spirit Lake, you’ll find one thing is true: it’s all very personal. There’s a story behind everything!





Some Outfit Details
Sunnies–Forever 21, old (More of their story here!) Similar
Earrings–Silver hoops worn all summer found in an India market
Necklace–Dogeared Karma necklace
Shirt–Solitaire by Ravi Khosla
Skirt–Shrinking Violet
Tote–Mischa (Also seen here and here.)
Sandals–Target Girls, but so old and kept at the cabin so they last longer!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!