CNY with Maeve

Selfie with my niecie Maeve!

*Oops! I thought this was published last Monday, February 4th, and now I am finding out it’s still a draft! Whoopsie!!

My sister’s daughter Maeve is here–for the entire month of February! We are so excited to have her here and show her a bit of our life in Hong Kong. She’s being thrown straight into the culture with the biggest holiday happening of the year: Chinese New Year. CNY is to China and Hong Kong what Christmas is to the US. Everyone, I mean everyone is out shopping. They actually have to as it’s a must to wear new clothes for the New Year. Another must is wearing red–especially if it is your zodiac’s year. In fact, if it’s your year, you are suppose to wear red every day of the year. This usually happens with a pair of underwear or a red string bracelet. The year is the Year of the Pig, and it’s supposed to be a good year for everyone. The pig is last on the zodiac line up–which means next year Kevin and I will finally get to celebrate our year: the Rat. (I know icky! But the rat starts the story, so maybe there’s some good there… or not.)

Maeve, like Gigi, is a very good photographer; it runs in her genes as her mother was a professional photographer. (Now my sister is an interior designer–still creating art. Julie is very talented.) I hopped into this empty (how rare!) restaurant, and she snapped away.

We headed to Kowloon side and went to the Temple Street Market. We play this fun game: everyone gets $50 HKD (that’s about $8 USD). The challenge is to purchase the best item and get the best deal. Gigi won with a lighter; I came in second place with a set of cheesy pig figurines. Maeve bought a jade charm to replace the one her sister gave her when Elle had visited. Vincent went to a 7-11 and bought a bag of white rabbits–a local white vanilla chewy candy similar to a Tootsie Roll, and Kevin bought a four prong iPhone adapter. If you’re ever in a local market, I recommend this game. It’s fun and gives a bit more purpose to the visit–especially for teens who bore easily.

Don’t look to close at the menu. The pictures aren’t all appetizing.

All of a sudden we came across this wall with bozos world leaders on it. I wasn’t able to fit Chavez in, but I caught Trump and Gigi together. She’d be horrified. Look at her face!

Vincent wouldn’t even look. Next time…

Ahhh, teen angst. It’s so fun!

Time for dumplings.

We have the whole week off, so this won’t be the last of family pics on blog. We’ll be taking Maeve around Hong Kong and showing off our city the best way we know how. Up tomorrow…the beach!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!