Clockenflap Style Story

clockenflap-4I had such a blast at my very first Clockenflap festival. I was so excited about going that I kind of forgot about how much I would enjoy preparing what I would wear to such an event. Then, once I was actually getting ready to attend, I realized I needed first and foremost to remain warm, but with layers because I was sure to get hot from dancing. I decided for each day I’d wear my army jacket–I scored this Banana Republic piece at one of Get Redressed’s pop-up shops. This second-hand layer had barely been worn–until this weekend. I wore the heck out of it!! And with that here are my style stories and experiences from my very first and very fabulous Clockenflap–a festival I will definitely be attending each and every year from here on out while I live in Hong Kong.

Clockenflap, Opening Night

clockenflap-5We had a beautiful day off after a Thanksgiving dinner with the other HK Krembs when all of a sudden it was time for Kevin and I to head into town for the festival’s opening. I tried not to go through too many clothing options as I am often apt to do. I knew I wanted to wear my pretty embroidered jeans and in the end I just paired an army green shirt to subtly layer underneath the army green jacket. (Yes, green has seriously reentered my life!) It’s said in order to keep warm, keep your head covered; well I brought my cream, cashmere beret that fit into one of the pockets. I didn’t actually need to wear it, but having it reassured me if I were to get cold. For this night I felt I had dressed for the festival perfectly. It’s actually the only time I did….



Clockenflop in Tons of Rain

clockenflap-3I really don’t know what I was thinking on this day. Seriously. I wanted to be funky but casual cool at the same time. I wanted comfortable shoes, but this option was awful. See, it rained so hard on Saturday. It wasn’t just a splattering of rain here and there; it was a full day of torrential rain. I was freezing! Tights were actually a pretty sound option because my pant legs didn’t get drenched, and the sweatshirt definitely kept me cozy. But my feet were sopping; there were literally squishy puddles coming out of each step! The jacket served as a nice layer, but it was obviously not waterproof. We put in a good amount of time on Saturday, but in the end, we bailed. We just couldn’t put up with anymore rain. (There was so much rain, the only shots I got were on the bus ride home!) I’ll call this look my wet dog look. Ick!


Clockenflap, Last Day

clockenflap-2Because I had been so cold the day before, I over layered on the last day. I did not need the sweater. It was tied around my waist the entire time. Otherwise, for this day I was set. But, it was on this day, that all the cool people were out. I do not look remotely cool! I look like I’m from the Pacific Northwest–not a bad thing, because it’s true: that’s where I’m from. But, if I was going for a hip vibe here, I have to admit there’s nothing hip about this layered, super cozy, outfit. Next year… well I’ve already started planning!


clockenflap-1Now Gigi, she’s effortlessly cool in her sweatshirt and sleek joggers. She’s just a hipster without even trying!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Clockenflap Style Story

  1. Holy Clockenflap! What a humorous name for a festival!! Is there some cultural tradition for this celebration? The name sounds like it might have derived from Germany or the Netherlands!
    I think it’s difficult to properly dress for an occasion that covers several days and when you’re a rookie attendee. That said, it looks to me like you had on the perfect hip, fun, casual mix!! Next time you’ll throw in a couple of waterproof items (?) Nothing is less comfy than wet and cold. YUCK!
    I love the shot of you and Gigi. Goodness sakes she’s almost your height!!

    1. Well, I just looked it up, and there is no real explanation for the name. It started small though in 2008 and definitely grown into something pretty phenomenal. I will for sure be attending again in 2017. It was such a blast!!

      Wanna come!? A x

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