Christmas Cookies Roundup


Cookie Plate Image from Glorious Treats

It’s about time for the Krembs family to start pumpin’ out the Christmas cookies. We usually have a set of staples that we always make–like Pfefer Nuts, Russian Tea Cookies, and Spritzers. The Pfefer Nuts are already made–probably because they are so easy. The Russian Tea Cookies are up next, yet I don’t know if I have my Spritzer cookie mold thingy…so it’s time for me to find some new recipes. Hence, this Christmas Cookie Roundup! Have a look and maybe you’ll find some new ideas for your Christmas cookies this year. I know I have!

First, as always, I go to Mother Martha with her 20 Traditional Christmas Cookies. (You can then get lost on Martha’s 16 Christmas Sugar Cookies, 64 Holiday Cookie Assortmants–that’s a lot! or 6 Easy Holiday Cookie Techniques.)

Then, I check in with Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere: here are all of her Seasonal Sweets that she compiled into one post.

Good Housekeeping has provided their Best Christmas Cookie Recipes. They all look sooooo good! also has a pretty good collection of Essential Christmas Cookies.

Of course when I stumbled upon The Girl Who Ate Everything I became very interested! Here’s her 12 Days of Christmas Cookies.

Finally, the be-all and end-all is! They offer Christmas cookies from around the world even by country–which I find especially interesting. Unfortunately, Hong Kong is not yet represented, but China is!

Stay tuned for another Kremb de la Kremb holiday cookie post. There’s an old post from Vincent’s first grade year of his Christmas Cookie Cookbook but there’s no cookbook!

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Kremb de la Kremb

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