I figured it was about time I share how I choose books to read. I am a librarian after all; lucky for me, books happily occupy much of my day. I’m always reading some book, often two, and I usually have an audio book that I’m listening to as well. I try to expose myselfContinue reading Goodreads
Living in Hong Kong During COVID-19
It started as the Wuhan Flu until it was described as coronavirus, yet know the World Health Organization (WHO) officially called it Covid-19. With this name it contains the “Co” from Corona, “vi” from virus, “d” from disease and the “19” for the year it started. No location or race associated, no ominous connotations implied,Continue reading Living in Hong Kong During COVID-19
Lisa and LvO Boutique
Over a year ago, I met the most amazing woman: Lisa von Ortenberg. I was attending a Christmas bazaar, and there was this stand of completely remarkably chic dresses in the finest of silks. The owner of the stall, Lisa of LvO Boutique, was quite busy, but I hung around because I just wanted toContinue reading Lisa and LvO Boutique
I’m So Happy for My Readers
I’m so happy for my readers. I really am. I have the best readers ever! For some reason, I was so nervous to ask for feedback; in fact it took me years to finally post a reader survey. But I don’t know what I was worried about because you were all so kind! The feedbackContinue reading I’m So Happy for My Readers
A Little Walk Down (My Blogging) Memory Lane
Thank you to so many of you out there who took my reader survey. (It’s still open for you to take if you’d be so kind.) Before I post the results on Wednesday, I wanted to take a little walk down my blogging memory lane. It was back in 2012 that my blog started takingContinue reading A Little Walk Down (My Blogging) Memory Lane
Find a Sexy Cover Up
I frequent the beach–a lot. So, I think this advice can be something to seriously take in. I’m also 40 plus years old, about to turn one more year this February. I’m comfortable in my swimsuit, sometimes my two piece bikini. At present, I’m not about to take pictures solely in my swimsuit–although I haveContinue reading Find a Sexy Cover Up
My Favorite Beach in the World
I have been very lucky in my lifetime so far to have visited many, many beaches. From Thailand to California, from India to Spirit Lake, my life has been filled with my favorite geological landform. Amongst all these beaches, my favorite beach in the world is by far Phra Nang Beach in Krabi, Thailand. WeContinue reading My Favorite Beach in the World
Chinese New Year Adjustments
Chinese New Year is a very fun celebration–especially if you live in Asia. Everywhere, everything, and everyone is red! The red is very significant: it brings good luck. However, unfortunately Hong Kong is yet to receive a break and could use some good luck right about now. With 8 cases of the Wuhan Virus (Coronavirus),Continue reading Chinese New Year Adjustments
Wear What You Like
No matter what you should always wear what you like. Yes, sometimes we may feel uncomfortable in an outfit choice, but if you wear what you like, there should be no problem!Continue reading Wear What You Like
Style Stories No. 23: My Sweet Cowboy Boots
Lately, I’ve been able to deviate from my usual sneaker wearing days. Sweet cowboy boots have entered my life. Somehow for me, cowboy boots are as comfortable as a pair of sneakers, and like my vast sneaker collection, my cowboy boots are growing in number as well. First, I got these super cool black, gold,Continue reading Style Stories No. 23: My Sweet Cowboy Boots
My Brow Game is STRONG!
Recently I purchased an amazing brow product that I must share because my brow game is now STRONG! I’ve tried just about all types of brow products from pencils to shadows to gel to pen, so I feel that I can firmly recommend this product: Revlon Colorstay Browlights. This product is way easier to usContinue reading My Brow Game is STRONG!
My First Reader Survey
It’s about time I hear from you, my readers. I’ve wanted to ask for feedback from my readers forever. It’s been one of those items on my to do list that never gets crossed off. But today, I’m asking you: will you fill out my Kremb de la Kremb Reader Survey? I would be soContinue reading My First Reader Survey