A while ago, I made a series of posts where I’d style an outfit to accompany a book I’d read. On Sunday, while deeply immersed in If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha, I looked at the cover of the book and then my sweater. I knew I had to go take some picturesContinue reading If I Had Your Face
I Love Cold Hong Kong
Yes, the fake is fur, but my wearing it is not. Cold Hong Kong–which is only about a month-long–is actually quite fun. Cold weather is all relative. I mean temperatures aside, we all feel really cold over here. There is no heating insider our buildings here in Hong Kong–unless you count my Fashy (my hotContinue reading I Love Cold Hong Kong
I Look So Much Like My Mom
I look so much like my mom! It feels very odd to edit pictures of myself and totally see her. Or, I may even catch a glance of myself in a mirror and think it’s my mom. I mean I know I always have resembled her, but there’s something about me right now at myContinue reading I Look So Much Like My Mom
My Blogging Block and Thoughts on Racism
I’ve got a bad case of blogging block, and I have figured out why. I never did put that little black square on my Instagram feed. I didn’t and haven’t put anything to support, contradict, or even mention the #blacklivesmatter movement. Honestly I have tayed mute. I never wanted to say the wrong thing. I’mContinue reading My Blogging Block and Thoughts on Racism
Leopard Love Still Going Strong and Why I’ve Been Silent
Years ago–six to be exact, when I started posting my outfits versus only family updates, one of my most favorite style posts was this over-the-top Leopard Love moment. Ironically, as I write, I’m wearing a black silky shirt covered in both leopard and cheetah animals. There’s something about animal print and fall that are synonymousContinue reading Leopard Love Still Going Strong and Why I’ve Been Silent
The House Dress is Replacing Sweats
I’m starting to get sick of wearing sweats. I mean, I love dressing up, and yes sweats are cozy, but they do nothing for my sartorial self-esteem. A house dress on the other hand, makes me feel fabulous! And that is the very best feeling to have. My first house dress was this white oneContinue reading The House Dress is Replacing Sweats
Style Stories No. 24: Working From Home Outfits
Monday, 1/5 3/5 Whenever I encapsulate a week’s worth of my outfits, I always appreciate the process. Not only does it make me more thoughtful about each day’s outfit, but it also helps me determine what works and doesn’t work in my closet. For example, this super cute Target find is pretty darn cute. However,Continue reading Style Stories No. 24: Working From Home Outfits
The Shoulder Pad Tank That’s Saving Me
I can remember as a young woman being in a dressing room with my godmother, Auntie Paddy. She declared immediate embarrassment over her slanting shoulders. I looked at them… then realized I had the exact same slipping away shoulders that she has. Her remedy has been to always wear a pair of shoulder pad inserts.Continue reading The Shoulder Pad Tank That’s Saving Me
Getting Educated
This blog post is late. I let what I wrote last night sit for 24 hours, and now I have deleted it all. I’m so glad I did because it was irrelevant, so now I will be brief. My lack of creativity aside, the world is in a complete state of turmoil. Yes, I realizeContinue reading Getting Educated
DIY Off White Boilersuit
I can’t remember if it was last spring or the spring before that, but somewhere I saw an off white boilersuit and regret never clicking purchase. Ever since that particular moment, I’ve had a fashion fixation on an off white boilersuit. This is my DIY on the said boilersuit. This particular jumpsuit isn’t even aContinue reading DIY Off White Boilersuit
I’m an HK Resident!
There’s really nothing spectacular about this outfit–other than it’s a take on the Canadian tuxedo but in all off-white denim version. What is special about these pictures however is that I just received my permanent HK resident card! Yes, after living here for over 7 years, one is able to apply for residency. As we’reContinue reading I’m an HK Resident!
The DOs and DON’Ts of DIY Tie Dye
I am totally guilty of hopping on the DIY tie dye train! I’m so guilty that I’m here to share some DOs and DON’Ts–especially since it took me three good tries to get this perfect (in my honest opinion) yellow DIY tie dye sweatshirt. Ok, first, do not use food coloring. Even if you soakContinue reading The DOs and DON’Ts of DIY Tie Dye