This may come across as unbelievable, but this is my favorite high school sweater. Yes, I received this sweater for Christmas from my mom in 1987 during my freshmen year. I wore it at least once a week–most likely during all four years. I loved it so much. It was and still is like aContinue reading My Favorite High School Sweater
What’s Your Cozy?
What’s your cozy? We all have cozy comforts. One of mine is sitting by a fire reading a book. This is especially my favorite cozy comfort for when it’s cold outside.Continue reading What’s Your Cozy?
Playground Color Blocking
Forever 21 has a shop here in Quito! I feel so lucky to have this store back in my life. I know this sounds overly melodramatic, but I love Forever 21. As silly as that may sound coming from a 49 year old, it is very true. I can enter and look around for hours–likeContinue reading Playground Color Blocking
Rico in Quito
Rico has arrived to Quito! He’s here!! Goodness, the hard work and many, many hours that Kevin has put into getting Rico in Quito has been intense. Add to that stress, the many, many cancelled flights to get him from Hong Kong to Seattle. Well, let’s just say it’s all been like another job forContinue reading Rico in Quito
Puffy Clouds and Puffer Coats
This is my very first post from Quito, Ecuador! I thought it would be fitting to shoot from our terrace that looks out to three majestic mountains–on a clear day. Clear day? That doesn’t happen so much! The weather here is intense, ever changing, and very, very cold! Puffer coats are going to be myContinue reading Puffy Clouds and Puffer Coats
A Total Change in Wardrobe
For some reason, I think about this outfit often. The shirt is so cute and super comfortable. I’ve had the jeans forever–I mean, like for a really, really long time! Perhaps this ensemble was the first outfit I created for August’s box; perhaps that might be why it stands out. You see, I was fastidiousContinue reading A Total Change in Wardrobe
Whatever Happened to Skinny Jeans?
While wearing these jeans the other day, Kevin asked me the funniest question: Whatever happened to skinny jeans? I had to laugh out loud. For one, it obviously takes him a bit to catch on, but also his sense of sadness with those jeans no longer being a part of my jean collection was comical.Continue reading Whatever Happened to Skinny Jeans?
Upcycled Suit
Wait! Before you go to get rid of something, ask yourself: Could I rework this another way? For example, I felt a bit finished with this plaid pantsuit. It’s hard to describe what was wrong with it because nothing was. I just wasn’t wearing it as much. But, recently, I had started seeing suits withContinue reading Upcycled Suit
The Color Combo I Can’t Say No To
There’s this color combo that I can never say no to: yep, it’s black and white and red all over! The moment I saw this jacket in the store window at H&M, I went hunting. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Then, in the changing room, there was one sitting there discarded. I aksed, Can IContinue reading The Color Combo I Can’t Say No To
9 Years of Profile Pics OR a History of Hairdos
Since I no longer have a straight bob and haven’t for a while now, it was about time for me to update my profile pic. And! With a new hairdo that has me feeling confident again, I put on a cute outfit I’d worn this week, I grabbed my tripod and Remota, and I wentContinue reading 9 Years of Profile Pics OR a History of Hairdos
Winter Whites with Rico
One’s personal style is always evolving–at least mine is. Lately, there seem to be more days when I don’t like what I’m wearing to work… however, when I do like it, I want to celebrate my style. That was the case with this winter whites outfit. I wore this exact outfit to work on Wednesday–afterContinue reading Winter Whites with Rico
The Year of the OX! Happy Chinese New Year!
Whoah! The Year of the Rat was a doozy! Both Kevin and I are rats too, so we couldn’t help but feel the zodiac weight of the world that was last year. I remember explaining to Kevin that when it’s your year, it can also be one of difficulty and hardship–hence the reason many believersContinue reading The Year of the OX! Happy Chinese New Year!