September was a very, very big month for me filled and dedicated to recuperating after my hip surgery. Despite or maybe because of time spent healing, I felt like September was a great month:
Books: Rehab Reading
All the pictures from this post have been pulled from my Instagram feed, @krembdelakremb. During the past three weeks I’ve been able to dedicate a fair amount of my time to reading. While having hip surgery isn’t the best reason for free reading time, I sure have enjoyed that aspect of my recovery. I readContinue reading Books: Rehab Reading
August’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 8
1. In August I worked with Vanisha (@alifeunstyled) from A Life Un-styled. She offers mentoring sessions, and I learned a ton from her during our hour session together. First off, I found that while I’d like more followers (like any blogger would), what I’m really after is engagement. I crave the connection I get fromContinue reading August’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 8
First Day of School, 2015
This year the first day of school pics are coming from Gigi and me, and that’s ok. Vincent is now 13, and I can appreciate that he wants to make his own digital presence. Luckily I still have one more poser (The apple doesn’t fall far, huh?!) in the family, and believe me, I’m goingContinue reading First Day of School, 2015
July’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 7
July’s Instagram = Lake Pictures! We were out at the like for all of this past month, so if you follow @krembdelakremb July’s Instagram is mainly all about the lake. 1. The summer out at the lake seemed to start the moment Gigi jumped out of the boat, arms and legs spread wide. Freedom. Love.Continue reading July’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 7
Recipe: Grandma Soogie’s Cucumber and Walla Walla Sweets
In Washington State there’s an onion that grows in Walla Walla that can actually be eaten as an apple. It’s a sweet onion that is bursting with flavors. While I personally have never eaten a Walla Walla Sweet like an apple, I know people who do, and they love them. My family also loves thisContinue reading Recipe: Grandma Soogie’s Cucumber and Walla Walla Sweets
Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: The Family Room
Last week I started telling a bit about the history of our cabin on Spirit Lake, Idaho. While we’re out here enjoying the beauty of this magical spot for our family, I would like to try to capture some of the special spots within the cabin that carry so many of our memories. As mentionedContinue reading Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: The Family Room
June Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 6
The school year 2014-2015 ended for us in June with the summer starting! Immediately after finishing up, the kids and I headed home with Kevin following a week later. We spent a week with my folks and then a week with Kevin’s. For the last weekend in June, I hosted a baby shower with myContinue reading June Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 6
{Potential} Summer Reading List, 2015
Summer reading is the best! There are hours in the day that can just be spent reading. I love my summer reading and look forward to it with a yearning. I’ll be reading all summer long: I can read in the car on the road trip between Spokane and Seattle, there’s my lovely cabin porchContinue reading {Potential} Summer Reading List, 2015
Hip Update {On Wednesdays I Write}
That’s the official name of it: “Femoroacetabular Impingement.” Say what? My doc grabbed my phone here because he had a better shot–I was just pretty happy to have a textbook hip problem! My hip is hardly a fun topic to write about on this blog, but if you know me well, you know that myContinue reading Hip Update {On Wednesdays I Write}
Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 5
Instagram is a great place to visually look back and reflect. When I look at my Instagram pictures from May, aside from the slew of my usual #ootd shots plus the abundant amount of May rain, there were some special things that happened. May Instagram @Kremdelakremb 1. Vincent turned 13 this past May. I wroteContinue reading Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 5
Rebel in Arabia
It’s true: I was a Rebel in Arabia. Recently I was interviewed by a student since she was interested in the time that I had spend in Saudi Arabia. I love telling stories, and in talking with Rachel a ton of memories were sparked. Following is her lovely article about me–it actually brought tears toContinue reading Rebel in Arabia