It’s hard to believe school has started for the Krembs family and August is just about to end. Summer in Hong Kong is gratefully still going strong, so trips to the beach will continue on into October, maybe even November. Meanwhile, I am reminiscing about how our summer started in La Jolla, San Diego. TheContinue reading Seal Rock in La Jolla
Krembs Family (Semi) Cabin Candids
During the summer when we have such fun reconnecting with our families, I try to make sure and take pics while we’re all together. It wasn’t until the very last moment with the Krembs Family that I realized I hadn’t brought my camera out, and there were 14 out of the 18 of us. (UnfortunatelyContinue reading Krembs Family (Semi) Cabin Candids
Panoramas and Cabin Candids with Rusty and Ted
I can’t say Rusty is our oldest friend–that’s not correct, but he is the friend that Kevin and I have shared for the longest amount of time. We met Rusty exactly five days after getting married when we arrived with him for both of our first posts overseas in El Salvador. That means Rusty hasContinue reading Panoramas and Cabin Candids with Rusty and Ted
Charlie’s Angels and Some Cabin Candids
I just spent a fabulous weekend with my sisters! And style wise, I think I have finally figured something out: while I will always try to be urban chic like my sister Julie (she’s in the middle) and flowy feminine like my sister Mary (she’s on the right), it’s time I just start accepting thatContinue reading Charlie’s Angels and Some Cabin Candids
End of the School Year
Oh my! The end of the school year! I’ve packed…I’ve finished school…we celebrated Kevin’s birthday and Vincent’s end to his primary education…and now, I’m ready for summer! The end of the school year is always such an incredible whirlwind. It’s good, but when I scramble out of it, I always feel a bit wiped. KevinContinue reading End of the School Year
April Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 16
In April I took heed of my Insta famous friend @SheelaGoh and did whatever she told me to do in order to hopefully grow my Instagram account. First, she instructed me to clean up my feed–meaning keep it to style and anything nonstyle related get rid of it. This was a mammoth job as usedContinue reading April Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 16
March Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 15
For some reason, I usually kind of dread March; I find it to be such a long month. After all the hoopla of February, March definitely drags on as that transitional month from winter to spring for me. However, March of 2016 was different! For one, Easter fell in March this year, so Spring BreakContinue reading March Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 15
February’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 14
February is always a favorite month for me: we celebrated Chinese New Year with a vacation to Thailand, lots of love on the 14th, and my 44th (!) birthday on February 21st. These recap Insta posts are becoming more of a keepsake for me if truth be told. I enjoy looking back on the month,Continue reading February’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 14
January’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 13
I realize it was just last week that I updated my November and December Instagram Collages. Therefore, for January I’m trying to stay on top of things. If you are a reader of Kremb de la Kremb and you are on Instagram, I want to know! Please follow @krembdelakremb so I can follow you back!Continue reading January’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 13
December’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 12
December was a fantastic month! It was made most spectacular by traveling home for the holidays. We cannot remember the last time we went home for Christmas. We do know that in 2009 we went to Hawaii for brother Nicholas and Amy’s wedding, but there has to be a time before that when we wentContinue reading December’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 12
November’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 11
I just realized I haven’t completed my monthly Instagram recap for both November and December of 2015! I better do this before the end of January. If you follow me on Instagram @krembdelakremb than these posts might seem repetitive. For me though, since Instagram is by far my most favorite social network, I enjoy lookingContinue reading November’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 11
October’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 10
There are a couple of 31 day months in the year that always seem to be really, really long. March is one of them and so is October. I can’t believe all that happened this month, and yet it seemed to drag on forever. I also experienced my first big blogger’s rut just last week.Continue reading October’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 10