Cabin Candis: CdA {Coeur d’Alene}

ElleWell, this is the last set of Cabin Candids from Summer 2014. (Here’s The 4th, Cousins and Camp, Rusty and Ted, and Nicholas and Amy.) It’s fitting that this compilation of pictures is one of our summer highlights. It’s been two summers in a row now where at the end of packing up and closing our cabin out at Spirit Lake, we visit the Collins out at the grandness of Coeur d’Alene. Matthew, founder of Uptic Studios, designed Frammie’s (Carol) lake home. It is BEYOND! (I think you should click on that link to see what I mean!) The home itself is quite luxurious, but the people there are what’s precious: the hospitality amongst the entire Collins’ clan is amazing. Delicious meals are prepared, all water activities explored, children are busy laughing and playing away, and at end of each day a wonderful tiredness settles in. Oh, and well the lake itself is spectacular. The views are breathtaking–especially from this home! I look so forward to our little mini stay at CdA. It’s definitely one of mine and my kids’ highlights each summer. (Kevin unfortunately was already back to work, so he was not able to join us.) Frammie, Julie, Matthew, thank you! And see you next summer….!?

VincentLook at the happiness in his eyes; they are sparkling!

Surfboarding2Here the kiddos are playing (forever) on an old windsurfing board. They ultimately stood up on it while being pulled by the boat. Mind you, they started all together but only managed independently.


FrammieThis is Frammie, AKA Carol Collins.

RubyThis is Ruby. (Posting this picture makes me feel really bad that I didn’t get one of my favorite dog: Keller!)

JoanieHere’s Nie Nie, AKA Joanie Freuen.

AmynNicholas2Nico are a really cute couple. They’re really enjoying their move to Spokane making the most of nature has to offer.


JulieMy sis! She’s the epitome of chic in my book!

AnnieHappy face with tons of freckles ‘n all!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!