Cabin Candids: Nicholas and Amy

Nicholas1My brother Nicholas and sister-in-law Amy were able to visit us a couple of times out at Spirit Lake: once over the 4th and another time while Rusty and Ted were there. It’d been a while since we’d been able to spend time with these two, so we felt lucky to hang out with Nicholas and Amy. Nicholas was pretty cute teasing me about the fashion posts on Kremb de la Kremb, therefore you might notice a bit of extra sass exuding from my little bro! You go Nick!







Some of (Nicholas’) Outfit Details
Both hat and jacket–The North Face
Swimming Trunks–Vanphibian by Vans
Boots–Uggs (Nicholas states that if Tom Brady can pull them off, so can he! I agree! You look great in your Uggs Nicholas!)

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!