Cabin Candids: The Freuen Family on the 4th

Family Freuen Family/Full House

For the 4th of July this summer we had a full houseful! The 4th is always such a fun weekend because it’s usually the first one when we’re out at our cabin, and there’s no better way to start it off than with all the Freuens out there! On this day after the parade, we all just sat down on the beach enjoying each other’s company. Of course some of us also made it out onto the boat for some tubing–the goal was to get Nicholas and Maeve off, but they’re pretty solid! This weekend was such a fun time, and I was able to capture some cabin candids. Sadly we were missing Kate, Adrian’s wife, and unfortunately, I feel really bad about this, but I didn’t get a good shot of Gigi, my mom, or Amy, Nicholas’ wife. Yet, I have many more posts to come, so hang tight!

DadDad/Bumpa Doc/Fru Bird



JulienElleJulie/Mama and Elle


MaryMargMary Margaret/Shang Mar La


MarynAdrianAdrian and Mary

Annie copyAnnie/Mommy/AnnieMal



CollinsFamThomas, Julie, Maeve, and Elle


NicholasnMaeveNicholas and Maeve

NicholasnVinnieNicholas and Vinnie

TimandMarinaTim and Marina

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

One thought on “Cabin Candids: The Freuen Family on the 4th

  1. Ann, Thanks for capturing this weekend! Also, thanks to all the Krembs for your hospitality and cheer!

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