Bold Bicycle Shorts

On Sunday morning, as I was getting dressed in this very wild outfit, I had a great conversation with my sister Julie. She was like, “Ann, at some point you’re just going to have to embrace that you like bold. You like color and prints. It’s your style, so quite making excuses for it!” Wow. Did her words ever ring true for me!

I’m in the habit of saying, “Oh, I’m influenced by the kids I work with.” Yes, that is true. Or, “I’m such a crazy dresser.” Also, this could be a bit true. But rather than always making excuses for my zaniness, it’s probably about time that I just embrace it. I have always liked red. I’ve always like paisley. I’ve always like animal print. Own it!!

So yes, here I am on a Sunday day of errands dressed in some pretty wild and bold bicycle shorts. But, when I was at the shop buying a black pair (my cutoff leggings aren’t doing the trick), I saw this pair too, and was like, “I have to have those ones as well!”

Yes, I’m 47. Yes, I’m a size 12–almost 10!! Yes, this outfit is a bit zany. But, it’s me, I like it, I feel comfortable in it, so therefore I’m going to rock bold bicycle shorts. And, more importantly I am going to make every attempt to stop making excuses for my outfits. That’s silly. I chose to wear it, so I’m going to embrace it.

How’s that for a Monday declaration! Wow, I sure can’t wait to hear more wisdom from my sister when I arrive Stateside on Monday, June 17th.

What about you?

Will you be wearing bold bicycle shorts?

Or will you be skipping the bicycle shorts all together?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!