Black Velvet Suit with Plaid

black-velvet-suit-with-plaid-1I got this black velvet suit last year–after the holidays! Basically, that means I have been anticipating wearing it all year long. I also bought the Christmas plaid shirt after the holidays to wear with this black velvet suit. Who knows why then for the recent office Christmas party I didn’t wear this ensemble. I don’t know what has been coming over me lately style wise. I won’t say I’m losing it, but maybe I kind of am! Why did I wear a cranberry velvet top instead? I had a great time at the party–it was the first time my employer has thrown such an event. The funny thing is though I’m still regretting what I wore. Has this ever happened to you? At any rate, I am very, happy to own a black velvet suit–it is so easy to dress down (as seen here with a Christmas plaid shirt) or up (just add a sequin top). I highly recommend this investment. If you can’t wait for the post season sales, I’ve rounded up a few for you at the end of this post–and the shirt too. It’s a total winner and on constant repeat these days. In fact, that could be why I didn’t wear it to the party; I had worn it all Friday day long with a pair of jeans.





Get your own Black Velvet Suit

Here are a few options for you to choose from including a skirt version. If you can hold out, wait till after the holidays when these items will go on mega sale, but if you must have it for your office Christmas party, here you go! And, may I recommend this shirt one more time? I love it!!

*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Black Velvet Suit with Plaid

  1. Your decision to wear a cranberry velvet top instead of the plaid shirt was probably one of those momentary whims that comes along about an outfit ESPECIALLY after you’ve owned it for a year and your initial enthusiasm and styling ideas are lost in transition! (??)!
    The really great thing is that you just can’t go wrong with a black velvet suit!! LOTS of fun combinations are bound to occur to you and this is a classic that will last forever! Not to mention the ways you can break up the jacket and pants and combine them with other fabrics and styles! Velvet and silk? leather? satin?

    1. Now I just can’t wait till it’s Christmas season all over again. I’m learning a lot about dressing for those holiday parties. I need to stick to my guns and not deviate! Oh, I love Christmas. Only 320 days away!! Hahah!

      Love, Annie

  2. your velvet suit is stunning! and you totally rock!, I agree about how fab is to own a black velvet suit, it’s a winner! and love it with the plaid shirt!, it’s a fresh and cool outfit, elegant and genuine!
    You Are Gorgeous!

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