Black and Gold Top–Ping Pong Post No. 11

Kremb de la Kremb Black and Gold 6This is the 11th month where an item has ping ponged its way from the Isle of Scilly to Scotland to Hong Kong. This month we are featuring this black and gold long bell sleeved top that belongs to Anna. Anna started the ping pong post almost a year ago! She always imagines the three of us sipping away at a glass of wine while we sit around and swap clothes. For this reason, and also because I envisioned this top (photographed back in October I believe) adding to the perfect New Years Eve outfit, I styled it for a girls night out in Hong Kong in January with my two other ping pong post pals: Anna and Sam. So, here I am, ready to go out; although honestly, it’s a bit of that saying, “All dolled up with nowhere to go!” since the three of us have yet to meet in real life. However, it was fun to imagine that this would be the exact outfit I would wear to hit Lan Kwai Fong–Hong Kong’s nightlife alley–with my two blogging buddies Anna and Sam!

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Anna’s Island Style

IMG_3423Anna’s styling is similar to mine in the skirt area–her’s is just longer and the polka dots are just bigger. In retrospect, she has the item that my outfit is missing for January: a jacket or vest. I do like how she has the proper ingredient though: she’s got the cocktail that we’d all be sipping!! Way to go Anna. PS Can I please have your boots? (And be able to wear them!?)

Make sure to follow Anna’s blog Anna’s Island Style and her Instagram handle @annasislandstyle.


Fake Fabulous

JPEG image-91FA5332CE1C-1Gosh, while I felt all limited and remained within the black and gold color scheme, Sam added color to this top with no problem. She always does that! Look how great the green and blue mix in perfectly with the black and gold top. I would have never thought to add color, but that’s why she’s the color expert!

Make sure to follow Samantha’s blog Fake Fabulous and her Instagram handle @fakefabulous.

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Kremb de la Kremb

Kremb de la Kremb Black and Gold 5Since I love the combo of black and gold, I pulled out tons of black and gold items to pair with this black and gold top: my earrings, the sequin mini, my tights, and even my waist pack. (I won’t call that purse belted around my waist the other name to spare my UK readers any embarassment.) Because I was imaging a night out, I knew I’d want my hands free. Also, I chose comfortable yet sexy shoes–my over-the-knee boots. My skirt, except for the length, is very similar to Anna’s don’t you think?

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How would you style this black and gold top? Pretend you are ping ponging with us!

*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

19 thoughts on “Black and Gold Top–Ping Pong Post No. 11

  1. LOVE the bell sleeved top, and adding the color with that green vest? Well…. that was perfect! I am glad to see the fanny pack around the waist coming back. I always did like them and how handy they were. xo

  2. I probably would have styled it similarly to you… I love the skirt, boots and is that lurex hosiery?? To die for. You made me smile with your reference to the belted purse (I’m in the UK)

    1. Hahah! Good! I’m glad!! 😛 Also, I had to look up “lurex” hoisery, and yes it is. They’re black tights with all these little gold flecks in them. I love anything that sparkles–as you can see by the sequin mini too! Thanks for always offering me such nice comments Gail. I really appreciate it. And as you can see, I am catching up on a lot!! Love, Ann

  3. Hey Ann, you’ll see I’ve linked this back to my mini and glitter tights too, ready for a bit of clubbing in HK with you both. You’re rocking this look and it makes me feel more than a tad frumpy by comparison! Thanks for keeping this feature running.
    Have a fab weekend!
    Anna x

    1. This top was a good one Anna. It was one of those, “Wait to see it on pieces!” My mother always taught me to try everything on because you never know…. I really liked it and was said to see it go.

      Here’s to all our amazing adventures with the PPP!!! A x

  4. Your outfit is perfect for a night out on the town with Anna and Samantha. You look so ready for dancing, cocktails and fun conversation. If and when that happens please inform me well in advance. I am SO joining that rendezvous!!!!
    On a more serious note… how are you doing with healing your ankle injury??

      1. I’m suprised and delighted that you remember that. My husband and I traveled to Idaho to scatter my dad’s ashes along the Snake River. Not likely that we’ll return this year.
        Actually, we’re building a home in the Black Hills of S. Dakota right now and will be moving there this summer. Having a home there has been my husband’s quest for many years.

  5. I’m in love with all that black&gold shiny fabulousness!, lovely monochromatic ensemble, lovely mixed prints and textures, and lovely boots and accessories!, you rock your comfy&cool style, elegantly funky!

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