Black Friday Kinda Bugs Me

I normally don’t rant over here on Kremb de la Kremb. And I am most definitely opinionated about this topic, but I have to say it: Black Friday kinda bugs me. Cyber Monday too–both which are turning into weekends and weeks. Don’t get me wrong; I love a good sale. Most of my clothing is discounted, secondhand, or already cheap. But the hype around Black Friday just irks me. First, I’ve never really understood the day not living in the States for the last twenty years, yet I can’t use that as an excuse anymore. On my Instagram feed it’s evident that Black Friday is a global event: just to name a few, bloggers from Hong Kong, Spain, and the UK are pushing their Black Friday choices. I did it once–I chose a bunch of stuff for people to shop from in hopes that I’d benefit from the affiliate links, but it failed. I don’t know what bugs me more… is it the constant push from every which way I look, OR the fact that my influence doesn’t count for much? Is it because the day–that isn’t even a holiday–over powers the American holiday of Thanksgiving? I’m a consumer; there’s no doubt about that! But the rampant push to buy, buy, buy is so excessive. What about the actual act of giving? And before we go to give, shouldn’t we (Americans anyway) take a moment to be thankful for all our gifts? Rather than preparing for all that we can buy the very next day. Ya, Black Friday, it just kinda bugs me!

Hmmm, let’s take a moment to monetize this Black Friday outfit….the cold shoulder top was ordered for about $12 bucks from ASOS where they offer free international shipping all year long! The black pants are my FAVORITE! (And I will push them by providing a link.) I bought them in two sizes–in hopes of losing some weight and fitting into the smaller size eventually. These trousers are a part of the Who What Wear line (which is such a great line!) from Target–again free shipping was provided when purchased this summer. These pants are the most expensive item I’m wearing at $29.99. The shoes were bought on crazy sale for maybe $8 from my neighborhood HM that I can see from my living room window. Finally, the pièce de résistance is my new floral black jean jacket that I most recently picked up at the Rug Lane Markets: the brand new tags from Monki were still in tact, but I paid $100 HKD for it (that’s $12.82 in US dollars). I guess I wanted to take the time to total up the sum of my outfit–$63 US dollars–to prove that sales and deals happen all year long. I don’t need a day or week like Black Friday to be an economical shopper. I only buy good deals.

What do you think about Black Friday?
Do you shop during this sale? Or are you like me and a bargain shopper all year long? Or maybe you like Black Friday because otherwise you pay full price. Tell me your thoughts in the comments….

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

9 thoughts on “Black Friday Kinda Bugs Me

  1. That black rosey jacket is adorable!!! The entire outfit is a winner actually. Good prices and it really looks great on you!
    I get your feeling perturbed about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I feel like I spent a good portion of my day deleting email offers ( in multiples) from every on-line vendor I’ve done business with this year! At about noon a rug that I’d ordered for our new house arrived and was WAY below the standard of quality I was expecting and will be sent back. This sent me into a frenzy of shopping for a eplacement. I’d already invested WAY more time on line than desirable finding the first rug!! My day built to a crescendo of on line angst and frustration. Now, in bed, I’ve got the brain fog, (burp) shopping blues. (I did find a replacement) :~<
    Merry Thanksgiving

    1. Oh, that’s so frustrating! That sounds like a tough purchase. What source do you use for shopping for a rug?

      Jude, did you know at one time, Kevin and I lived in Saudi Arabia? It was only for two years, and it was awfully hard living there, but the tutoring was great! We both made so much money tutoring. I used mine to buy carpets. With no alcohol (except for the sh*t we made!!), Wednesday nights (a Friday to us during that time) were spent carpet shopping. Oh, we have some very lovely carpets in each of homes! Right now I’m in the living room where there’s a Turkish kilim. In a our bedroom is Nain–a family tightly woven carpet from an Iranian family. They are famous for their carpets–It’s our most precious one from living there.

      Aww, memories. Good luck setting up this new home of yours Jude. Send some pictures. And also, I hope you find the perfect rug!!

      Love, Annie

      1. I have a cousin who lived in Saudi Arabia for a year or two. He is an engineer and his wife (a teacher) was with him. They’ve described the experience in exactly the same way. Right down to making their own booze.
        My rug shopping has been on Wayfair. Gawd, I’d live to have a Kilim rug. They’re so expensive! The ones I’ve ordered have that type of design ( not quite as cool)

  2. I don’t do Black Friday shopping either. I don’t need anything bad enough to wake up early, stand in line or start shopping late Thanksgiving evening. I’m all about a good deal and I have found myself checking out my favorite sites on Cyber Monday. But they haven’t been that good. I don’t push products (and I’m not against those that do), but it does seem to be a bit overwhelming when everybody seems to be doing so.

    1. I’m glad I’m not the only one with these sentiments. I’m happy to hear you agree Cindy. But hey, I will go shopping any day of the year–and mind you I will most likely find the deals. I bet we’d be great shopping buddies!

      Love, Ann

      1. Oh yeah! I we both like finding deals! If I’m ever in HK or you are in Colorado – let’s shop!

  3. such a cute floral jacket, it looks fabulous and you look fabulous wearing it!, and I like your pants too, and the ‘cold shoulder’ top!, cool!
    I’m a bargain shopper, and really love a discount!, but I’ve become more and more reluctant to Black Friday, as it could be tricky and I’m getting tired of all these low quality products on sale. I’m really a fussy buyer!

      1. oh yes, you’re right, I’m becoming a more conscious buyer, but it’s sometimes very difficult!

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