Big Wave Bay

BigWaveBay1This last weekend Hong Kong celebrated Mid Autumn Festival plus the city prepared for what was supposed to be its largest storm of the year. Luckily on Sunday evening as Typhoon Usagi was approaching Hong Kong it shifted north therefore diverting us. The upcoming typhoon didn’t stop us from visiting Big Wave Bay Beach on Saturday. There were by far the largest waves I’ve ever seen out there: they were HUGE! And the surfers were out!
BigWaveBay7For me white tunic cover-ups are quintessentially the best beach wear. I love them and have a hard time resisting yet one more. Recently I dyed my old white cover-up shirt, so when I found this long, flowing chiffon style, I couldn’t resist. It’s perfect for a sea breeze. (I found a similar chiffon crepe style here.)



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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Big Wave Bay

    1. Thanks Anna! I got it at one of those MAPLE stores–actually one in Wan Chai. I scooped it up–INSTANTLY! Next time I’m there, I can see if they still have it for you…. A x

  1. I love all your photos and blog posts. My fav photo here is the one with you looking out at the ocean. Awesome!! You have a very good photographer!

    1. Thank you Tammy! All three other Kremb de la Kremb members partake with a lot of bribing and bargaining! Plus, my camera has this continuous feature, so I have MANY to choose from. Tammy, thanks so much for this comment. It really means a lot to me! Mwaa. A x

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