Be Your Own Best Friend–Making Lists

So many times, we women, well I probably shouldn’t speak for all of us, but I think it’s safe to say… we can be pretty tough on ourselves. In vanity especially I’d say women have a hard time loving what they have. That’s why when I saw this t-shirt about claiming to “be your own best friend,” I kinda had to have it. I mean it’s so true: personally, I know I need to be kinder to myself. I would love to conquer all my insecurities–wouldn’t we all. So the first place to start is by being my own friend. And with that, I’m going to make a list of compliments to myself. No, I’m not being vain. I’m being kind. To me. Try it! Go make a list of the things you like about yourself!!

What do I like about myself?
Hmmm….Let’s see!

  • I like my eyelashes.
  • Sometimes, depending on what I‘m wearing I really like the color of my eyes.
  • I do like my legs. I got them from my dad.
  • I love my sneaker collection.
  • And I appreciate that I have been able to embrace wearing sneakers and not letting it limit my style.
  • What else do I like about myself?

  • I love the kiddos I created with Kevin and continue to raise with him.
  • I think I’m a good mother.
  • I also think I am a good wife.
  • I admire my creativity.
  • I think I‘m a good, no great librarian. I do enjoy my job. Coming to work each day never feels like a chore. I feel like I have the very best job in a school!
  • I like that I enjoy both reading and writing.
  • There’s gotta be more….

  • I am a good cook.
  • I like my hair—and I especially like it when it works in humidity OR when it’s really dirty OR when I‘ve got bed head.
  • I like my lips—when they’ve got lipstick on them. And I especially love my lipstick collection!
  • I like my wrists—I always joke that I‘d be so tiny and petite if the rest of my body matched the size of my wrists.
  • I’m glad I got my nose pierced; I think it suits me.
  • And finally…

  • I like how loyal a friend I am.
  • I like what a great shopper I am.
  • I think I‘m nice person. I’m kind to others.
  • I like my freckles—especially after a day in the sun. And I like when I’m tan.
  • Oh, and I like my eyebrows.
  • And of course, I have to mention this last one:
  • I like my sense of style–hence this blog, Kremb de la Kremb!
  • Your turn!
    Now I challenge you, my dear reader. Go take a few moments to think about what you like about yourself. If you’re up for it, write them down and refer to the list often. We all need to be our own best friend, and it can start by loving ourselves!

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    Published by

    Kremb de la Kremb

    You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!