Beautiful Bali: Part 1, Flowers and Food

Flower1Basically Bali is just beautiful. It’s not just the rolling steep mountains, the bright blue sea, and the basking beach sun that grab your attention. It’s also the details that the Balinese people apply to their every day life. All over Bali you will find design elements to emphasize nature’s beauty from elaborately displayed flowers in pots to garnished gods with palm fronds to the plate of food in front of you. I had to stop often to take plenty of pictures–so many so that my Beautiful Bali post will be broken up into two parts. Today enjoy Part 1, the flowers and food of Beautiful Bali!





MorningFlowersEvery morning this cute lady would come out with a tray filled with fresh bouquets for the restaurant tables.




FruitEach morning in Bali started with both a fresh fruit plate and a fresh fruit juice. While the kids and Kevin routinely opted for banana juice, I couldn’t get enough watermelon juice and ordered it several times a day. Gigi found the Vietnamese spring rolls to be her favorite on the first day, so that was her regular. I still have to find out the name of the amazing veggie side. Of course, one can’t go wrong with chicken satay while in Indonesia. Like the flowers, every plate of food was ornately arranged making it almost difficult to bite in–almost but not quite as the food may look good but is also too delicious!





Stay tuned tomorrow for Beautiful Bali: Part 2, People and Places

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!