Beach or Mountains?

I’m most definitely a beach person. I love water over mountains any day. I am a Pisces afterall, so it only makes sense that I love a body of water over a majestic mountain. However, currently, living at almost 10,000 feet, I am giving mountain a life a try. One thing is for sure: I am always and continually cold!
We live high up above a valley, so indeed our view is amazing. The one thing that actually fascinates me the most about our view is the weather. We see it all–well often times we are in an actual cloud, so we can’t see anything at all, but we can see that cloud moving in. It’s quite eery actually to look out your window and only see a white wall.
For our most recent spring break, we went to the beach. Awww! It was wonderful. Ecuador appreciates the hammock life, so I was often found there either reading or napping. Unfortunately because of the surgery I had in March, I wasn’t able to enter any body of water. But, hearing it, smelling it, dipping my toes in it was the rejuvenation I needed.
The other rather obvious and great thing about the beach is the sun. However, and rather ironically actually since Ecuador is on the equator, the beaches here are not terribly hot. It was odd actually. No matter though–the sun did peek through on a couple of days, so my freckles are out!
Seven years ago around this same time I wrote and posted about this lace cover up on a lovely beach in Bali. Living in Asia for 17 years, well, we were definitely spoiled with beaches. I have to say I do miss an Asian beach. There’s something always magical about their beaches whether it’s Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, or the Philippines. For one, they are so easily accessible. And for two well, they are just extremely exotic and beautiful. I found some posts to prove it: Thailand for Christmas in 2017, Bali in snake October 2014 and again in October 2018, family post in Malaysia for spring break 2016, and those amazing Boracay Blues See?! There’s nothing like the beach!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!