Beach Braids

There’s nothing like having beach braids while on vacation! Every day on at the beach on Koh Samed with Mary over Christmas, we would have our hair braided. We found a cute little gal named Fai who would experiment and try new styles on our hair each day. On our final day before leaving the island, we had matching crowns that started at our left ear and wrapped and wrapped until it made spiral into the center of our head.

On the first day, Fai asked if she could make a heart. Of course! Each braid started in the front at my middle part and looped around to the back. This was a nice half up, half down braid that was very comfortable.

Mary started with a simple headband braid that swept across the front–again a very comfortable half up, half down way to wear your hair.

For this braid it started at my right ear, swooped across and then wrapped and ended again under my right ear. This one felt really pretty.

On Mary this braid started on her left and ended on her right. It was like a perfectly slanted braid across her head.

SikhBraidWe called this the Sikh braid as it started down at the base of my neck and work its way up to a braided knot on the top of my head. This one felt very fun and quirky.

FaiThis is the lovely Fai. She expertly braided our hair when we asked. Some days she’d do what we wanted like the wrap around braid, side braid, and Sikh braid; other days she felt inspired and created the heart braid or the wrap around crown braids. It was fun to watch her work. Plus, she’s so lovely. If and when I go back to Samed Villa on Koh Samed, I will look for Fai–you should too! She also gives lovely massages and pedicures–the works!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!