Balinese Snake Revisited

Awww, Bali. It’s pure bliss. Especially the Amertha Bali Villas up in the north west of the island in an area called Pemuteran. It’s secluded and rather isolated with nothing up there but the beach, a lovely villa, and sea life. Now that we have become divers, we returned to this destination to expand the wonderful snorkeling found there into open water dives. We saw so many beautiful fish. We even swam with sharks! After the dive, we found out that the reef shark with it’s little baby swimming below had actually been circling us. I’m glad we didn’t know that at the time!

Four years ago when we visited this beach, I bought this Balinese snake tunic at the hotel’s little boutique shop. I had hoped to maybe get another piece since I love this coverup so much, but they no longer have their small shop. It’s just as well because this snake print cover up really is the best–it’s so soft and slouchy. This time around I wore a hat given to me from my sister. She knows I’m not really a hat person, so she got me a really nice one. Guess what? I love it! Although, I do need to figure out a better way of traveling with it–wearing it through airports and the airplane was no fun. However in terms of hats, once winter rolls around, I do enjoy wearing a hat much more often.

So we visited this beach four years ago, and while we were there, we decided to come back for our Christmas vacation. The same exact thing happened on this trip! By the last day of the vacation, Kevin bought tickets to return on December 20th. Bali is just that good! For this next upcoming trip in December we will stay on the souther eastern side in Canguu where the kids and Kevin can surf, I can shop in the quaint artisanal boutiques, and we can all enjoy the café and restaurant scene. If by chance you have recommendations for this area of Bali, please let me know.

If you have never been to Bali, what sort of things do you want me to report on during my next visit? If you search for Bali on this site, you’ll find all sorts of wonderful posts. One post that I especially liked was highlighting all the amazing jewelry I picked up during the trip. I need to start saving my pennies now for the wonderful shopping found in Bali. The island is filled with so many talented craftsmen.

I’ll end this post with an amazing disclaimer: I didn’t sit in the sun once during this trip! Instead I used this self tanner and this self tanning SPF if I was near the sun yet in the shade.

Have you been to Bali?

If you haven’t please tell me how I can report back what you’d like to see of the our upcoming trip this December.

This post has been linked up to Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb’s #iwillwearwhatilike

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!