AXIOM: HKIS’ Interact Fashion Show


To be in high school at HKIS! I would have loved it. We have a student service club called Interact. All year long, they work on an amazing culmination, a fashion show.  Their efforts support a different charity organization each year, and this year the Children’s Medical foundation benefited. Each year there is a new theme, and this year it was “Axiom.” It is entirely student run from the elaborate event, sponsor search, fashion designs, and catwalk models. All of it is done by the students, and it is AMAZING! I was gob-smocked! And, totally inspired (plus, to be honest, a little envious that my high school career was void of such an amazing opportunity) by the hard work and dedication all of these students put into an event that raised a very large amount of money for the Children’s Medical Foundation.

Following is a round up of pictures taken by talented photographers Jamie Au and Sarah Tan:

Design by Kyra Johnson


Designs by Lydia Pang & Emma Hunter

EmmaEmilyDesigns by Emma Laskowski & Emily Uhrynuk

SamNgCollage.jpgDesigns by Sam Ng.
(In my opinion, this young lady will be a fashion designer–FOR SURE!)

TheoDesigns by Rex Hung, Theo Economos, and Thomas Kim

HilaryKristineDesigns by Hilary Fan & Kristine Koehler

JoyceJADesigns by Joyce Chan & Franziska Cheung

AmiJADesigns by Ami Kurosaki
(I LOVE this line, and if it was possible, would wear the one on the far left to prom 2014!)

CarlotaDesigns by Carlota Gomez Tappia

RanveerDesign by Ranveer Hattangdi

AnishaDesign by Anisha Subberwal
(That’s Anisha on the screen!)

KellyDesign by Kelly Chong

RachelDesigns by Rachel Nagao

KayleeDesigns by Kaylee Kim

HiuHiuCollageHiu Hiu Sau gave an amazing performance.

HKDAs did the infamous HKD (Hong Kong Dancers)!


AnishaJasmineAnisha and Jasmine–two prom com sweeties!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!