Another 21 Days: Liquid Gold is Just That Good!

Thumbs up to Liquid Gold!

Ironically, today my mother-in-law sent a picture of me from the summer of 2015. I saw this pic and couldn’t believe it! I’m so tiny! That made me take a little jaunt down memory lane and look at some blog posts from May and June of 2015. This little walk made me realize that yes, I can be a different weight than I am right now. I chose some of my favorite pictures from that period in my life to serve as incentive. I can do this! I can maintain a better, healthier weight for me.

What is it that I’m doing? Well, for some of you, you may have kept up with my 21 Day Bone Broth Diet created by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. Basically the gist of the diet is this: quit sugar! Eat whole foods and lower the overall carb intake since carbs translate into sugar. Also, in addition to following a paleo like/Whole 30 way of eating, fast two days a week on bone broth. (I received permission to fast three days a week if I’m up to it as long as I have a small meal at 7 pm on those 3rd bone broth days.) Basically this is my meal plan for the week: I fast and drink bone broth all day on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and either Saturday or Sunday depending on what’s going on for the weekend. During the other days of the week I make sure to eat protein, vegetables, fat (usually in the form of avocado), and a small, very small, amount of fruit. The fruit I do eat is limited to either blueberries or blackberries–and they definitely serve as nature’s candy!

Surprisingly after eating in this manner for 21 days, it became quite natural and not difficult in the least. To be honest, I actually enjoy the bone broth days. Dr. Kellyann refers to bone broth as “Liquid Gold,” and I am starting to agree. It’s a comforting drink. I haven’t experienced hunger on these days–except for one day, and looking back I was about to start my cycle, so it all kind of makes sense. On that day that I couldn’t make it through the bone broth, I just resorted to healthy foods–not junk. This is a win!

Now, here are some facts after my first round of these 21 days: I lost 5 kgs/11 lbs. This has me on my way. I am not ready to announce the actual number where I was at, but I will admit that my weight was 10 kgs over my usual max! And in these photos I am definitely 15 kgs less than what I started at on February 22nd. That’s a lot of weight to be hiding and physically carrying around. I’m pretty honest about my hip and knee issues. Carrying 15 extra kilograms or 33 pounds is hard on joints. No wonder I wear tennis shoes every single day, and no wonder it hurts my knee to walk. I have to change this! For my body, for my well being, for my comfort, and ultimately for my confidence.

Here is the other fact that I find shocking: yesterday was Day 22–my weigh-in day. (While going through the 21 day diet you’re not suppose to weigh yourself. Oh this is such a relief! No up and downs and emotions tied to whether or not the scale has gone down. It is literally like a huge weight off my shoulders!) On this weigh-in day I had planned to indulge in a couple of my favorite things: red wine, a popcorn dinner, and dark chocolate, sea salted almonds for dessert. First, because I was aware of what I’d be eating for dinner, I was uber aware of what I ate all day in preparation for my indulgence. This is good! Second, today, the day after having three glasses of wine, my body, in specific my legs and particularly my left knee, are in such pain. I can literally feel what the wine has done to my limbs. I feel inflamed, and I definitely do not like it. I may love my red wine, but I certainly don’t love how it’s made my body feel today. Next time I drink wine, I’ll stick to one glass because obviously three is too many. Hopefully it’s not three too many….because I do love red wine.

Here’s one last fact: the community and support network for those eating and drinking our way towards healthier selves is amazing. All the individuals found in this group are super at building one another up and helping each other out when we may stumble. I feel like I am making new friends through this online community of liquid gold drinkers! A special shout out is given to Krissy who manages all of us. Thank you!!

So here I am on Round 2, Day 1 drinking AND enjoying my bone broth. I’ll maintain a journal once more, and I am hoping that these next 21 days come as easy as the last. *fingers crossed* Yet, really, it’s all up to me and my attitude. I want, no I need to be healthier, so therefore, I’ll do it!

*Please note: all the photos below are taken from May and June of 2015. These photos serve as my goal.
Goal: Now that I have the eating and bone broth kind of figured out, I want to try to incorporate more exercise into this round of 21 days. Let’s see if I can do that!!

Round 2 Bone Broth Diet

Loss so far: 5 kgs/11 lbs
Starting inches: 41 36

Day 1:
My body felt so awful from the three glasses of wine from the night before. Drinking definitely contributes to the achey joints and muscles. It was more than evident when I woke up on Thursday and could barely walk. Of course, this makes me sad because I do really enjoy red wine. Hopefully, next time I do drink, I’ll limit myself to one glass, and I’m really hoping one glass doesn’t cause all the body aches!

Since I felt rather icky, I was actually welcoming a day of the comforting liquid gold! I was home with a mild case of pink eye, so it was also a luxury to just keep the post of broth simmering on the stove. I’ve now gotten to the point too where cooking a meal for the kids posed no conflict. I wasn’t tempted at all to eat, and I fixed Gigi and Vincent one of their all time favorites: fettuccine carbonara.

Day 1 of round 2 had me ready and eager to continue on this pathway of eating. And finding the pictures for this post from two years ago served as excellent incentive! I can do this!!

Day 2:
Remember that carbonara that I made for the kiddos the night before? Well, I left two slices of bacon for myself for today! Yum, I hadn’t had bacon in a while, and it tasted very good thank you very much! I fried two eggs in the same pan (strangely there was not much grease at all from this bacon….weird!), and enjoyed my diner breakfast. In the meantime, I prepared diner style french toast for the kids. No problem. Not even tempted!!

Lunch was gathered from leftovers in the kitchen, and I hope it was ok. At the time while eating the chicken I realized it was parmesan chicken, so I did have some dairy which you’re not suppose to while on the Bone Broth Diet. Oh well…I mixed the 1/2 chopped chicken breast with diced up romaine, cucumbers, and spinach. Then, I squeezed some lemon over the salad with a little olive oil and tossed. I ate the whole huge salad but it was mostly GREEN! Happy St. Paddy’s Day!!

Once home, I did have a snack–something I haven’t been usually having lately, but it was a Friday, so what the hey. I love caperberries mixed with almonds, so that was my snack while Gigi and I caught up on Drop Dead Diva–spoiler alert: GRAYSON DIED!!

With bone broth being prepared multiple times a week, there is plenty of rotisserie chicken in the fridge. The kids had fried rice with one helping of the leftovers, and I had a walnut and celery chicken warm salad with the other helping. Yum!! I love chicken and almonds together–best texture ever. A little salt and pepper with some olive oil, and I am set! (There’s more for Sunday!)

I did have two cheats I think….I need to find out about this product. It’s chocolate covered coconut flakes. I had a small bite after lunch and then promptly made my green mint tea. After dinner, again, I had a small helping with Gigi for dessert. Do not ask me why twice in one day I opted for dessert. I’ve gone 22 days without it so why now?! I will ask my Facebook group 1) if it’s an ok item to eat, and 2) am I just still trying to celebrate losing 5 kgs with rewarding myself with food?! That is ludicrous, but I have to think maybe I was doing just that–which is absolutely no good. Food is nutrients not some form of a reward system.

Those are some reminiscent thoughts on Wednesday’s weigh-in/indulgence day. Here’s to straight ol’ bone broth tomorrow!! Easy peasy!!

Day 3:
I went to a movie theater today and didn’t eat popcorn! Instead I drank two mugs of bone broth, so, I guess I do have willpower.

Day 4:
You are not going to believe this: I cheated today, so therefore I have to start over at Day! Eeek! I am shooting both my feet!

The day started strong: scrambled eggs with my black coffee. I headed off to Vincent’s game with more hot coffee, some chicken salad from Saturday, macadamia nuts, and blackberries. This was all and good.

Once I got home, I grabbed nice hot tea and watched some TV (Dropped Dead Diva–Grayson is back! As Ian but no matter he’s back!!). I also snacked on more macadamia nuts reminding me that I must figure out the correct portion control because I know in my heart that I am ODing on those delicious, buttery nuts.

Everything was going fine and dandy, but then I grabbed for two very naughty things: the dark chocolate coconuts flakes and dark chocolate covered blueberries (not much but enough to be told I have to restart!). I am not sure what got into me. I really don’t. I’ve had such restraint but lost it yesterday. Sometimes, I get this f*&k it mentality, and it definitely took over yesterday afternoon. Luckily it wasn’t a full blown binge–there wasn’t much of either to make that happen, BUT needless to say it was enough for Krissy to inform me that if I want to stay strict to the 21 BBD, I had to restart.

I can’t believe it. All for a few nibbles of dark chocolate. It did taste good. For sure. This slip is letting me know I cannot wait to make it to 80/20, but I still have a lot of weight to lose before I get there. I must go revisit these pics on the daily to remind me of my focus.

Oh well. Here’s to changing all these subsequent days. I guess that means I should weigh myself too….

Day 1:
Well, here I am again at Day 1. I still can’t believe I blew it on a couple of dark chocolate coconut bites. But, sugar is sugar, and I ate it! I’ll make sure to include a weigh-in for Day 2. Hopefully, I have wreaked too much havoc.

So, to pick myself up I’m going to celebrate something: I’m wearing my navy blue, super cute, suede Zara culottes. I haven’t been able to fit in them for a while, but today I’m wearing a pair of pants that were too tight a month ago. Celebrate the little things, right!?

For breakfast, I ate later than normal so that I will eat my lunch later as well. I had a two egg omelet.

At lunch around 2:30 I had a palm size piece of salmon with green beans. The meal was easy to prepare in the morning: I placed both the salmon and green beans on the stove on medium heat, left it there to cook, did my makeup, and came back, and the meal was done. It was quite delicious too. And, because I am in love with blackberries these days, I had about a 1/2 cup of those. Nature’s candy!

Once home, I had a soda water and 1/3 cup macadamia nuts. I did not eat the whole package; this is a win!

For dinner we all had meatballs in tomato sauce. While the family has their sauce on noodles, I had mine on zoodles. I’ve been eating my pasta like this for years now; I find that the zoodles enhance the taste of the sauce. Seriously. Give it a try some time. I’ve done taste tests, and I always like the taste of the sauce when it’s upon some sort of veggie. Raw spinach or arugula are also nice options.

To squash my after dinner sweet tooth, I am drinking a yummy cup of blueberry, lime, and coconut tea. It’s so yummy, and I am quite happy to be becoming a tea drinker again. When I was at my slimmest, and healthiest, during our time living in India, I drank tea all the time. Drinking tea is a very good habit–not sure where it went!

Now, here’s an update: I told Kevin about having to start over. Instantly he said, “That’s STUPID!” He makes me laugh, but he’s actually being realistic. He recognizes how hard I’m working; he didn’t think my slip warranted a start over which I can totally appreciate. Especially when he reminded me that in 19 days we leave for a Spring Break trip in the Philippines. I don’t think I’m going to be able to bone broth over there, so I have to make the best of the next 19 days. If I can stay strong, it will be so nice to be even less weight by the time we leave. I mean, I gotta get in a swimsuit real soon! YIKES! (All caps signifies screaming!!)

So, I’m going to switch up my days one more time. It’s turning into a countdown. Then, during Spring Break, I will try my first 80/20 which I will describe later….

18 more days:
A bone broth day is a good day–that is until the family orders take out from the new Cali Mex in our neighborhood. I had to reign in my crankiness at that point, but they were all bugging me so bad. They were just displaying the food everywhere, and I was like, “Just eat dinner already!” Anyway, I made it through, and tonight I am going out to dinner at the new Cali Mex. Now I just have to navigate their menu: no rice, no beans, no tortilla of any sort. I know I can do it. They’ve got great pulled pork and avocados galore–can’t go wrong with avo!!

17 more days:
Yum, I ate some nitrate free sausage links for breakfast! So delicious…. Now I’ve got the omelet and half of an avo for later on. I know I’ll be going out for dinner, so I will need to be judicious throughout my day. Moderation is key. AND feeling great for the second day in a row in my (loose) pants is another key! I’m gonna do this. I gotta do this!

I’m not sure how I lasted till 2:30, but that’s when I ate my lunch which was actually my breakfast. The thought of eating out tonight has me on full restraint: I consider this great! So I had a two egg omelet with cherry tomatoes and spinach with half of an avocado. Then I ate 3/4 cup blackberries. Oh my, these blackberries! They taste like heaven! Now, I’m fully prepared for dinner with friends at Cali Mex. Currently I’m drinking my green mint tea and almost ready to go home…. Ann, stay strong at the Mexican restaurant. Nada to tortilla anything–in fact, I am allergic to anything tortilla related!

Dinner at Cali Mex was so good! And once again, helping the waiter to understand my dietary needs proves to be both challenging and rewarding. Mona, my new favorite waitress, will now have remembered my salad of choice; this is a good thing as we will defiitely be going back. It was so good. Even my lime soda water was tasty and looked special amidst everyone else’s cocktails. I almost thought there might have been sugar in the drink, but I think it was because the lime was just that delicious. Yahoo to Mexican in Stanley. Cali Mex is going to do well, really well!

Tomorrow is a bone broth day….K.I.S.S. Keep it simple silly!

16 more days:
Like usual, I just love bone broth days. I find them quite easy–excecpt for around dinner time. Last night’s dinner for the rest of the fam was a little stinky. They had a yummy chicken satay dinner, but the accompanying green papaya salad had such a stink to it, that I couldn’t join them at the table. I think if I was eating it I would have been fine, but the fish sauce was nauseating to me. So, I just sat on the couch….

I have to say I was very chuffed with myself: I hosted the librarians’ meeting. The hostess always provides snacks, and I offered a great collection: sliced (nitrate free) smoked turkey (that I can eat for lunch today!), gouda cheese and crackers, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries (more goodies I can have today!), sugar free dark chocolat (no-no) and dark chocolate covered almonds (another no-no, but they’re gone anyway!). Oh, there were also some cassava chips and a sour cream dip. I want to announce that I did NOT have a bite of one single thing! I was so proud of myself. A bone broth day means fasting, and I am so committed to this. I feel very proud of myself on these days, and my own self control and willpower is amazing me!

*Please forgive me! I haven’t been daily updating like I said I would!! The weekend definitely got ahead of me!

15 more days (Friday, March 24):
I’m sorry that I can’t quite remember all the details of this day. I believe I had a two egg omelet with 1/2 an avo. For lunch, I tried eating later because I knew Kevin and I were going out. My lunch consisted of iceberg lettuce wraps with smoked turkey cold cuts. For dinner, we ended up going to Beef n Liberty, our local burger joint. I got a meatless patty with mixed lettuce and we all shared some delicious sweet potato fries. (Sweet potato fries have been mentioned by Dr. Kellyann, but I am sure these ones are naughty–they taste way too good!

14 more days (Saturday, March 25):
Saturday was a bone broth day. Plus we had fun plans to go see the HK Walls graffiti art over in Wong Chuk Hang. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring any broth with me, and because of this I don’t think I drank enough broth on this day. By the end of the day I was actually feeling quite faint or odd or something. When I got home, I broke the fast with the meal plan. But I think that’s ok since it was my third bone broth day of the week. (Dr. Kellyann gave me permission to do this.) I ate some macadamia nuts and an avocado, and Gigi made me one of her amazing three egg-white omelets. So yummy!

13 more days (Sunday, March 26):
For breakfast Kevin made scrambled eggs with basil and grilled some nitrate free sausages. Mmmm, they were good. We watched basketball and had a very lazy morning. Go Zags!

We then went into town to shop through a local market. While Kevin and Gigi got lunch, I simply ordered an Americano–I still wasn’t hungry from the large breakfast we ate. I made it all the way to dinner except for a few macadamia nuts and almonds before supper.

For dinner we had wonderful barbecued salmon and broccoli blast. (Simply char broccoli under the broiler, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with red pepper flakes and sea salt. Best veggie side ever!!) Luckily there were extras for this amazing meal that I packed away for tomorrow’s lunch.

12 more days (Monday, March 27):
I tried a new breakfast today around 6:30 am this morning: 1/2 cup chia seeds left overnight in the fridge with 1 cup almond milk. By the morning all those chia seeds turned into a nice pudding, and I topped the bowl with some blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries–all nature’s candy. The test was to see if this meal filled me up as well as my usual omelet and 1/2 an avocado do, and it’s fair to say it did. I didn’t eat lunch until about 3 pm! I think those chia seeds definitely filled me up!

For lunch I had leftover salmon and broccoli plus some macadamia nuts. (I felt pretty bad cuz I stunk up the library with my fishy microwaved goodness!)

At dinner Kevin barbecued steak, another winner of a paleo meal! We had a spinach salad with carmelized onion, cucumber, toasted pinenuts, and some cubed avocado. Wow! The salad was so good! To curb the sweet tooth, I had a couple of blackberries and raspberries.

11 more days (Tuesday, March 28):
Today is a bone broth day. This is the first bone broth day where my tumble has been grumbling. It’s odd. Also, I’m quite gassy and bloated or something. Not sure why….Perhaps I need to drink more water. I’ll go get a glass now!

One great thing is that my family is complaining about my breath! I do believe I am finally in ketosis. It took me quite some time to get there. I’m not sure why it took so long, but with the wicked smell coming from my mouth, I know I’m there–which makes me thrilled!! I’ve been waiting for this really, really, bad breath!! Hahha!

10 more days:
For breakfast I had the usual: a two egg omelet with 1/2 an avocado. And then for lunch I ate nitrate free cold cuts with spinach–another no brainer. But sometimes this easy meal is so comforting. In fact, even before going on the Bone Broth Diet, this was my typical lunch. I consider it comfort food for sure. For dinner we had take out, and my gal Mona at Cali Mex knew exactly what Kevin was talking about when he described my no dairy, no sugar, no legume order. Yum! Great dinner!!

9 more days:
Thursday was another bone broth day. I’m finding that I actually don’t drink as much bone broth as I used to. Now I have one in the late morning, one for a late lunch, maybe one as a snack, and one or two at dinner. Earlier, I recall drinking a lot more bone broth. Mindset plays into this diet so much. I’m continually amazed at my willpower. I am feeling quite proud for sure!

Today I had to give one of my colleagues her tape measure back. Well, I used it! I figured that was ok–it isn’t the same as weighing myself. That I get to do next Friday. But, guess what!? I’ve lost another 2.5 inches! Yahooooo!!

8 more days:
My day was so busy–like insanely busy. I wasn’t able to eat my breakfast until 2 pm during another meeting. (I hope I didn’t come across as too much of a savage.) Basically this means my fast continued on all the way during that time. But, I was so busy, I had no time to eat let alone think about eating. And surprisingly I never really felt hungry. The breakfast at two was quite good though; a mason jar filled with 1/4 cup quinoa soaked over night with 1 cup almond milk with blueberries, blackberries, and crushed walnuts shaken in. Mmmm, just writing about it I can recall the deliciousness!

I keep saying I need to checkin with Dr. Kellyann about a continual snack I think I might be binging on…it’s those buttery, super delicious, macadamia nuts. I swear; they’ve become my cheat! But I do know nutritionally the pack a punch with good proteins and fat. Surprisingly fat in the correct forms is good on this diet–JUST NOT FROM SUGAR! (In caps for emphasis.) Anyway, I definitely tend to eat more than a small handful, and I know Dr. Kellyann has provided us with images and information on healthy portion size, so I need to check myself! At any rate, you guessed it: I snacked on some of the yummy morsels.

Then, Kevin and I found ourselves alone on a Friday night. I really felt like a glass of wine, but I knew that would for sure be cheating. I did it anyway, and I don’t feel like I need to start all over. This time around, as opposed to the Wednesday in-between rounds, it wasn’t a binge. It was a glass of wine for the taste and enjoyment of that beverage. Two weeks earlier I treated the treat differently. This time around I was the one in control. Very different. I enjoyed it, and that was that. I also had a Leggera salad from Pizza Express minus the mozzarella since the bone broth diet is dairy free. And, it’s just fine without the cheese. One day I might eat it that way again, but for now it was ok.

The next day was going to be my 3rd bone broth of the week….

7 more days:
Oh my batch of bone broth on this day was sooooo good. In place of onions there were leeks and mushrooms. Mmmm, what a nice subtle change. I tend to try to go as long as I can with the start of my bone broth, but on this day since I was going to town I drank it around 9 am. I brought another cup with me when I went to town and drank it while I got a pedicure! Indulgences!! My toes were in such desperate need of a pedi–especially since I’ll be at a beach in a week!)

When I got home from my errands I had one more cup of broth.

Then, with both kiddos gone, Kevin and I decided to go on a date! Because I include three fasting days in my week, the third one needs to include a meal. Granted, going out to Chinese probably provided a bigger meal than necessary, but I kept myself in check–chicken (protein) and green beans and lotus (veggies). We also had a pre-dinner drink. I did order soda water–of course. But….I’m living on the edge these days and must be feeling close to the 80/20 concept because I ordered a Hendrick’s martini with cucumber and lemon. I was very insistent on no sugar, and it was a very tart but delicious treat!

6 more days:
While Gigi made Nutella pancakes for the fam, I ate scramble eggs and nitrate free breakfast sausage. We ate late enough that this was my brunch. Later on in afternoon I had 1/2 an avocado and a little tuna fish. Before dinner, during that snacking period, I had some almonds and caperberries (do try–it’s the best appetizer ever) and then I over indulged in macadamia nuts. I swear. I NEED to NOT buy them!!

For dinner, again we went for Chinese takeout. I had green beans and eggplant. (The lady forgot the chicken order but that’s ok.)

I cheated on Friday night with a little vino, Saturday night with a martini cocktail, and so I thought about one more cheat for this Sunday night. I ate a square of 90% chocolate. Oh!! Divine!!

So, those were three cheats this weekend. Normally, I’d say I need to start over. BUT, I feel in control. These cheats weren’t a throw in the towel sort of binge. They were monitored and enjoyed. There’s no need for me to start over. I’m still bone brothing. I weigh in on Saturday morning. I will bone broth on Tuesday and Thursday as normal. And since I weigh myself on Saturday, I may try a double day bone broth for Friday with a small meal at the end. The other thing that I’ve started doing for the next seven days is this 8 minute ab workout. Let’s see if I really can get some definition in my belly in 7 days. Who knows!? Beach in 7 days too, so it’s worth a shot!!

5 more days:
I took my library staff out for dinner on Monday night. Therefore I had a bit of a rob Peter to pay Paul mentality to my meals on this day. I didn’t eat breakfast until very late so as to allow me full pleasure at dinner. I had a 2 egg omelet with a half of an avocado.

For dinner, we went to Cali Mex (insert toungue sticking out emoji to signify yummmmm!). In gratitude for an event we hosted my principal was buying, so…. I splurged on a steak! Oh, it was good. I also got a small version of the Cobb salad they make for me specially for me. Yum! My meal was packed with protein: the steak, and then a salad topped with egg, bacon, and avocado. Double yum!!

4 more days and 3 more days:
I set out for a double bone broth day here. Both days were not hard at all. I really don’t know how this is possible! But, BB days are really somethin’ else. I don’t even drink as much bone broth as I used to when I started almost six weeks ago. It’s amazing. And now, my determination is just so strong to end below a certain weight (that some day I will feel comfortable mentioning….).
2 more days:
Even though I had fasted the two previous days, I wasn’t that hungry which I found so odd, but I wasn’t going to over do it just because I’d lost an appetite. I also stayed home on this day because my knee was in such pain. (I plan to give an update on my knee this Wednesday, so if you’re interested come back.) I had a 2 egg omelet and 1/2 an avo as usual at a later time. For lunch, I simply ate some leftover cold cuts. Really, again so simple and no fan fair at all. Luckily I had no urges of cheating or anything even though I was home for the day. My determination was in full force. Weigh-in was in two days! Dinner was scrumptious though! Kevin got some salmon, and he barbecued it. Oh, yum!! I’m from the Pacific Northwest, so salmon, well, not only do I love the taste of it, but it has a special place in my heart. (I know–that sound weird, and I shouldn’t have affinities for food like that. I kinda can’t help it though with salmon. It’s so good!) We just had a simple salad of arugula and cherry tomatoes and pine nuts. Usually this salad also contains parmesan. I will confess to looking forward to the days when I can be 80/20 and enjoy a little parm! My meal felt quite substantial–not too much but just right, to set me up for one last bone broth before a weigh-in on Saturday morning….

Last day:
I ended the 21 days with one last bone broth. But, after work, and a visit to the doctor (with not such good news), I splurged and had a glass of wine. I felt it was fine. My spring break had officially started, and my 21 days was at a close. Happily this glass of wine was much more controlled than three weeks before when I basically gulped them down. I’ve definitely learned a lot about myself in the last 6 weeks–2 rounds of the Bone Broth Diet. Basically, I have learned I do have willpower; I do have self control. I have wanted something and I have gone after it. This makes me feel very proud regardless of what the scale is going to say!


My Bone Broth Diet Stats:

First Round: lost 5 kgs/ 11 lbs, 5 inches lost around my waist
Second Round: lost 3.6 kgs/ 8 lbs, 3 more inches lost
Total so far on BBD: over 8 kgs / 19 lbs and 8 inches!

Will I keep this up?! Heck yes!! I have 5 more kgs in site. Then, we’ll see. Right now, I’m on spring break in the Philippines. Since it’d be impossible to bone broth right now, I’m on a bit of an 80/20 diet eating from an Egg Diet meal plan. So far so good!! Oh, with a tropical fruit drink thrown in just about every day. BUT, most importantly, I feel good in my swimsuits!! (And I’m even thinking of posting pics in them!!)

Incentive Pictures from 2015

Not only is summer around the corner, but first up is Spring Break in a little under a month! I’d like to look like this on the beach in Bohol this 2017. (Picture from The Fab 40s in Lace)

I will always be top heavy; that’s why being able to show my waist is so important. Otherwise, I turn into an apple! (Picture from The Black Jumpsuit)

I do like my legs, but when they’re skinnier, they look even longer! (Picture from DIY Fringe Sandals)

During the summer of 2015, I borrowed my sister’s jeans–a very rare occasion indeed! (Picture from Madewell Jeans)

I didn’t even mind showing my tummy in those jeans! (Picture from Madewell Jeans)

Summer and my lake cabin are around the corner. I love my lake style; it’s so different from how I dress during the year as seen by these four very red, white, and blue looks! (Pictures from 4th of July Style Spirit)

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “Another 21 Days: Liquid Gold is Just That Good!

  1. Annie I’m so pleased that you’re enjoying your diet. I’m a huge advocate of healthy eating as it results in a healthy body. Congratulations on loosing all that weight already and what a good idea to revisit your former self by way of encouragement. I have an old pair of Levi’s that I use to gauge my size – I’ve had them for nearly 20 years and they work better than the bathroom scales.
    One final word. Please remember that if you return to your old eating habits you will drift back into that body size you’re trying to leave behind. I would urge you to find a clean eating plan that you can maintain forever. Healthy eating = healthy body. I know you know this x


    1. Thank you Lisa! I need to start on the exercise front! I still haven’t…. But when I do, I want to cycle on either a stationary bike or the bike my husband got me for my birthday (just around the neighborhood). I also need to start the Tracy Anderson video I purchased. Hey, maybe I should at least do something today, huh? No better time than the present!!

      Thanks Lisa for stopping by. Hopefully today on my update there will be some sort of exercise included!!

      A x

  2. Sure, no prob.

    I tear off the meat off of a rotisserie chicken. (I save the meat for an eating day;) I put those bones in a pot. I add an onion, some carrots, and celery–all roughly chopped. I add salt and pepper and currently turmeric–it also aids in inflation, and it makes the broth even more delish! Throw in some bay leaves too. I then cover all this with water. I bring it to a boil and then I through in a bunch of raw chicken legs, thighs, breast, or whatever–any raw chicken that’s nice and boney. After that raw chicken has boiled for about ten minutes, I put the entire pot on low. I do this all around 6 or 7 pm. By the time I go to bed I make sure it’s on the best simmer possible–not too low but not high enough to boil either. I wake up in the morning, strain it all, fill up my tho thermos flasks, and I’m set to go. Yummm. I actually like bone broth days, AND Dr. Kellyann gave me permission to add a third bone broth day as long as I end that third day with a small snack.

    I hope this helps. Ask away!!


    PS If you start this diet, I highly recommend joining the Facebook group!

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