Alternative Makeup (Vlog No. 3)

alternative makeup
I’m always one to try something. Why not? Lately I’ve been seeing looks of alternative makeup where red is on the eyes and blue is on the lips–this alternative makeup is opposite of what we are used to. But, unless you try, you’ll never know if it looks good on you. In my opinion, the red on my lids compliments the blue of my eyes nicely. Also, the blue lips makes my teeth look not so stained.

Have a watch at Alternative Makeup

Do you think you’ll be trying the alternative makeup look? ;p

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Alternative Makeup (Vlog No. 3)

  1. Well girlfriend, you totally sucked me in with your sincere , informative, demonstration. For a couple of seconds I was even liking the teal lips….
    Good one!!!!

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