Hey! You’ve come to my “About” page.
This means you want to know more about me. Good! I’m hoping I can intrigue you enough to stay, convincing you to come back for more. To be efficient, I’m going to make a bulleted list–it’ll just be easier to get to know me:
- Simply put, Kremb de la Kremb is my place where I write about getting the best of the best in my daily life.
- Lately, after a new move to Quito, Ecuador, I try to post at least once a week. Life has been busy, so I’ll try my best…
- I’m originally from the Pacific Northwest, but I’ve lived overseas going on 25 years now!
- My husband and I got married on July 25, 1997; five days later we moved to El Salvador. That means this summer we will also be married for 25 years!
- We’re international educators. We’ve taught in the following countries: El Salvador (2 years), Saudi Arabia (2 years), Venezuela (3 years–and our 2 kids were born there), India (5 years), China (3 years), Hong Kong (9 years), and now Quito, Ecuador where we are in our first year.
- Ummm…. this is obvious, but I love to travel!
- It could be a tie, but I love fashion, style, and getting dressed even more.
- I share styled outfits here plus real life style as well.
- I’m super creative and love a DIY project. I also love to feed people, so sometimes a recipe sneaks in here too.
- Sometimes I post about my famil, Gigi and Vincent and their dad Kevin, and all the traveling we do as a family–that’s how this blog started.
- I’d say my style is boho sport…? Is that a style? I’m always in sneakers–or cowboy boots. I know! Random!! I usually throw in a bit of culture from all the travels I’ve done. Everywhere I’ve lived and traveled has definitely influenced my style.
- However, now, in Quito, I’ve had to start all brand (or used) new. Our shipment from HK didn’t arrive in time, so all my valued possessions are in a storage container in Spirit Lake, Idaho.
- Speaking of Idaho, ever since Vincent was two months old, we have owned a lake cabin out at Spirit Lake. That’s where we spend our summers. There are many posts about the cabin too since it’s such an important part of our family.
- I’m super glad you’re here. I’m very loyal, so if you become my reader, you’ll actually become one of my friends!
Hmmm, did I forget anything?
- I don’t write Kremb de la Kremb for money; I write this blog because it keeps me creative.
- I love writing this blog. Those dreams I had in fashion have come true through Kremb de la Kremb. Never too old, right?
- Oh, speaking of age, I was born in 1972. So, that makes me exactly 50!
- More is more–I always try to be minimal, but it just doesn’t work. For example, I love accessories and blue mascara. Crazy I know, but it’s true.
- So, I guess I could be considered eccentric at times. I am a librarian after all. Aren’t we all a bit kooky!?
- Speaking of my job, I love to read! And I love kids. My day job is a school librarian. This blog is my hobby. I think working with students also influences my style with a sense of youthfulness. I’m a big kid at heart.
Do you have a question for me?
Do you want me to style something?
- You can write me at annkrembs @ krembdelakremb dot com.
- Or you can tweet me @krembdelakremb.
- You can comment here on this page.
- Or follow me on Instagram, again @krembdelakremb.
Oh, one last thing:
- Because I do indeed love fashion and style so much, I did become a certified stylist from the London College of Style, so I am actually legit!
I’m so glad you came to Kremb de la Kremb! I hope you stay and come back again (and again, and again….)!
Love, Annie from Kremb de la Kremb
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