A Night at the Auberge


Again, we drew out of the Hong Kong jar this summer, and a night away was pulled. While we had intended on going to Macau, it was seeming overly crowded to us, so instead we opted for a new “inn” that had opened in Discovery Bay this last March. The Auberge is beautiful! It was worth every cent! Views of both Hong Kong and Kowloon side may be seen across the harbor from everywhere–the pool, the room, even the shower. Staying at the Auberge for one night was the perfect vacation away from our Hong Kong summer vacation. We felt decadent and spoiled–just as one should while on holidays. We played and read and just relaxed in a new and welcomed setting. Basically, we had our very first “staycation!” We vacationed away from home but still in Hong Kong. We’d definitely do it again!



[A Night at Auberge: Sundress / Christian Dior sunglasses (similar) /
Earrings (similar) / Vest (similar)]

I got these awesome earrings last summer when we went camping for the first time in the Olympic Peninsula. On the side of the road, their was a local man selling firewood. He was of the Makah tribe. On the side, perched on some of the wood were these beautiful earrings. It was one of those things where I didn’t buy them on the first trip, they weren’t there on the second, so we had to make a third special trip to pick up these beauties. I love that they were made by a grandma out there enjoying her craft. (I found this Etsy store where you might be able to find something similar.)

My two kiddos are such troupers. They are totally supporting me as I endeavor this fashion passion of mine. Often, my cool guy Vincent is the photographer. Meanwhile my spunky Gigi is posing right along side me half the time; the other half her photo bombs are causing us half the fun! Here’s to my kiddos!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!