A Meandering Spring Jacket Through the Streets of Lijiang

spring jacket
We just finished an adventure trip through Lijiang, China. On one afternoon, when the sun was just right, Gigi, the Spring Jacket, and I went out exploring. There’s something magical about neighborhood China and all the ornate wood embellishments with red garnishes in the form of either lanterns or banners. Some walls are depicted with calligraphy style painted scenes. Red carts match the buildings and are just sitting there waiting for a passerby to try an imaginary ride. What fun! And what beauty! Plus, this spring jacket that I scored towards the end of this winter has been waiting for the perfect time to bust it out. I think it matches the perfectly quaint Lijiang alleyways perfectly. Don’t you?

spring jacket

spring jacket

Spring Jacket

spring jacket

Some Outfit Details:

Earrings: Silver ball hoops from a Beijing market

Sunnies: Shenzhen market

Spring Jacket and Long Sleeve Tee: Forever 21 and the jacket is still available!

Jeans: H&M from ages ago. I had to have them! But unfortunately it wasn’t until after I tried them on and left the store that I knew I wanted them. It was this pair of jeans that taught me (well for the most part!), that when I like something, especially when traveling, just GET THEM. You see, I tried these on in Paris back in 2009. I didn’t buy them at the time I spotted them from that particular H&M branch, but in turn made the whole family traipse around Paris stopping at each H&M branch until I finally re-found them to ultimately purchase. Yes, I get a fashion fixation and it hurts. It hurst the whole family!

Fringe Crossover Bag: Zara Girls (some of my best little crossover bags are from the girls’ section at Zara. Always check it out!)

Booties: very, very old from Forever 21. I love them! I wish they still had them, but unfortunately, they’re long gone. They’ve come back before, so I always keep a look out….

*This post has been linked up to Fashion Friday, What I WoreBrilliant Blog Posts, Whims Wednesday, Style Sessions, Monday Mingle, Let It Shine, and Passion 4 Fashion.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!