Black and Blue on Blake Pier

Black and Blue on Blake PierI love this dress, and I liked pairing it with black. I remember way back in high school I liked wearing navy and black together. It seems ultra conservative to me yet also very classy. I wore this exact outfit for Back to School Night, and I felt so chic in it that I wanted to post this outfit. What a better place to wear black and blue then on Blake Pier in Stanley, Hong Kong.
Black and Blue on Blake PierI’m enjoying my new statement necklace from What the Frock?! It has so many pretty colors in it; this time I let it play up the blues and blacks. Let’s see what else I’ll do with it next….
BlacknBlue1These shoes are really, really old, but they’re still holding up, and they are still my classic little kitten heel when I need them. I bought them back in 1999 on Christmas Day for a Christmas Dinner to be celebrated with Rusty McCarty in Rio de Janiero, Brazil! What a great trip!! Right Rusty?!
Black and Blue on Blake PierDo you ever wear navy or blue with black? I’m curious. Tell me if you do…

I’ve made a shopping gallery for you just in case;D

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!