Shirt Off My Back

Julie1I’ve mentioned on this blog before how my sister Julie and I have this unwritten code: if there is ever an item owned by one sister (usually within reason and most always clothes or costume jewellery although not limited to cute storage bins from World Market) that is so coveted by the other, we will just give it to that sister. Julie3It happened this summer with this plaid red shirt from Forever 21, worn only once by me as shown in this Instagram pic:

Julie is an amazing photographer. We all know this. But, I love it! When Julie comes out to our cabin, I somehow get free reign with capturing pictures of her. Usually, she always shies away from the camera preferring to be the one taking the pics. I can always get her though, and I love it! I took about 100 photos of her in this little five minute lapse of time, so it was hard to choose which ones to post. But, look it! She looks sooooo good! She might be the photographer, but I say she also makes an amazing model!


Should we get back to the shirt…? Sometimes, well a lot of the time, ok, most of the time, when I’m shopping, I always ask myself: would Julie like this? When I saw this shirt I didn’t even have to try it on; I instantly put it in my bag. Which makes me wonder…if I knew Julie would like it so much, and I already loved it, why didn’t I just pick up two!?

Time for another pause; I know. What are those precious gold lines around Julie’s neck? Well, one she just found in her move–the longer necklace that looks like a dash with a dot, dash with a dot. Yes, it’s so delicate and perfect, but, the other bauble, the dainty little [US] is actually quite H U G E! Matthew and Julie have founded Uptic Studios, an architecture and design firm in Spokane, Washington. If, and oh, I would love for an IF I could build a home, office, library, anything, I would be knocking on this talented couple’s door in less than a millisecond! (For personalised jewellery, try this Etsy shop and for dainty chains this one.)

Ok back to Julie–she’s G O R G E O U S ! Look at her adorable smirky smirk and the glow of her skin (I’m always asking her secrets–maybe there’s another post in there!). The shirt suits her of course, but her beauty far exudes any plaid shirt around. Maybe that’s what I’m always trying to copy!

*These are the cutest storage containers thatJulie4 Julie gave me just because she knew I liked them sooooo much! Obviously Thomas is cute too, but he was lucky enough to stay with his mama;D

*Oh, and the jeans she’s in–I already got them at the Gap (Destroyed Boyfriend) before I even arrived home! Plus, I managed to put Rendezvous Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain from Revlon on her lips;D


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!